[41] living is harder

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┌─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┐
chapter forty- one!
└─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───┘

( the divine move, pt

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( the divine move, pt. i )


SHOCK. THAT'S WHAT THE paramedics had told Vera she was suffering from when they showed up at the scene. It explains why she can only hear a continuous, deafening ringing sound that's been filling her ears since Allison drew her last breath. They'd given her a blanket that she hadn't felt even as she pulled the orange fabric tightly around her with her good hand. The other one is broken, just as she thought.

When Chris Argent had arrived before the first responders, he'd already strung up a lie for Scott to tell the authorities. Vera had briefly snapped out of her daze upon his appearance. She hadn't been able to look at him. The man she'd come to think of as a father figure would now be reminded of his only daughter's death when he looked at Vera. A reminder that she had lived, but Allison had not.

When he'd knelt down in front of her, making them eye-level, Vera had choked on a sob and whispered, "I'm sorry."

"Vera," he'd said, but she was on a roll, a snowball sliding down a mountainside, and couldn't be stopped.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry—"

"Isaac told me what happened. I don't blame you at all."

He'd pulled Vera into a hug, and though she hadn't deserved it whatsoever, she'd melted into the paternal embrace, sobbing into his chest until it felt like her lungs would burst. His arms had been safe and secure when he should've been pushing her away. After all, it was her fault that Allison — that Allison was —

Now, she's back in a far corner of her mind, her eyes vacant and that persistent ringing noise her only constant. She can no longer feel the blinding pain of her shattered hand. The agony that had once overpowered her brain doesn't register. She feels detached from her surroundings in the Sheriff's station, her surroundings fuzzy, her brain overcome with the sensation that she isn't quite here. Maybe she will wake up and this will all just be some horrible night terror.

A firm pinch on her forearm tells her she's not dreaming.

"Anything else?"

Deputy Parrish's voice is distorted to Vera's ears until she zones back into the present conversation. She, Lydia, Scott, and Isaac are crammed onto a sofa in Stilinski's office while they're interviewed about the tragedy. Stiles, Dom, and Kira had fled to the Yukimura household to plan their next move with the Nogitsune.

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