Growing Stronger Together

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I was standing in front of the bed, Jack was sitting right in front of me with his head low.

"Well, if you're l-legs have stopped h-hurting when you m-move them then they m-must me at l-least mostly h-healed, r-right?" I asked.

"I guess." He replied, "I don't really know how good I'll be at it now, I haven't walked in so long..."

"It'll b-be fine." I gently grabbed his arm, "I'll b-be r-right here, if you fall, I w-will catch you."

"Alright..." He mumbled.

He finally began moving closer to the edge, I held onto his arm tightly as he began trying to stand up, his legs were shaking and barely holding him up, I was doing most of the work.

"It's hurting." He complained.

I helped him sit back down after that, he sighed as he lowered his head.

"That was a-awesome!" I said.

"You are so weird." He lifted his head slightly, smiling.

"We'll t-try again later, okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, alright." He agreed.

I heard the train whistle so I sat down next to him, shortly after the train pulled to a stop.

"You said we were going roadside, yeah?" Jack asked.

"That's what T-Tim said." I replied.

"Right..." He mumbled, "I have no idea if I'm going to be doing anything."

"Well, with the r-requirements being sit there and l-look freaky I'm s-sure you could do it." I said,

"Yeah, I guess that's a good point..." He agreed.

I heard someone bang on the side door.

"Alright, I've g-gotta go." I said, "You b-be good and w-wait here."

"Yeah." He agreed, "I'll be here..."

I got up and began to leave, I glanced back at Jack to see him pulling his legs up to his face, I left the car and saw everyone was already starting to set things up, I wasn't freaking-looking enough to participate but having extra hands to help set everything up is a great help.

I spent my time setting up one of the cages myself, I told Tim I'd handle it so that's what I did, I looked around to see everything else was set up, I went over and found Brian.

"All done?" He asked.

"Y-Yeah." I replied.

"Alright, now put Jack in that cage." Brian said, "Unless he's against it."

"Okay." I agreed.

I went back into the train car to see Jack was still curled into a ball, I went over and gently set my hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah...?" He asked softly.

"Brian said to put you in one of the cages." I said.

"Fine." He moved his legs, "You're going to have to carry me."

"I c-can do th-that." I assured.

He held out his hand toward me, I slipped my arm under his legs and put my other against his back, he wrapped his arm around my neck before I stood up with him, I then carried him outside and to the cage I set up, I carefully set Jack down on the ground before I left the cage and locked it.

"Is there a-anything y-you need?" I asked.

"No, I'm fine." He replied, "I'm just gonna sit here anyway..."

"Okay." I agreed.

I began to leave afterward, I knew he'd be alright for the most part while I dealt with everything else, I went off and began helping other acts into the cages so we could begin the roadshow, after everyone was set up I stayed near Jack's cage as a precaution, just in case something happened.

I was silent as I watched people walking past the cages looking at the acts, a lot of them were whispering about how dangerous the monsters looked, although it seemed like they were all more impressed than scared.

"Look at that one-armed one..." Someone whispered.

I glanced over to see two girls standing in front of Jack's cage.

"Why is it sitting like that? We can't even see it really." One of the girls whispered.

"Why is it even here if it's not gonna show itself off?" The other asked.

"How boring." The first complained.

I glanced at Jack to see he was curled up in a ball and most likely asleep, I knew he was used to hearing crap like that so I just had to ignore those bitches.

"Why isn't it moving?" One of the girls asked.

"Throw something at it!" The other replied.

"Don't th-throw anything." I spoke up immediately.

The girls quickly looked over at me, they both looked scared.

"T-Taunting the f-freaks can lead t-to high i-injury, so d-don't." I said sternly, "D-Do you h-have a d-death wish or s-something? What m-moron would t-taunt a m-monster?"

The girls looked at each other fearfully, then one looked at me angrily.

"Aw, is the little baby scared of the big scary monster?" She asked in a taunting voice.

I didn't say anything as I kept glaring at the girls, they both laughed at me.

"Oh, the little baby's scared~" They began taunting me, "So scared! The big scary monster's going to get me!"

I didn't say anything as I stared at them, the girls laughed before one of them quickly stepped under the rope keeping them away from the cage.

"Oh no! The monster's got me!" She stuck her arm into the cage, "Save me, you big baby!"

She laughed as she pulled her arm out of the cage, I saw Jack's arm suddenly shoot out of the cage and grab the girl by the hair, pulling her over as he growled loudly, causing her to fall completely silent in terror, I was really annoyed as I went over and reached into the cage, I grabbed Jack's shoulder and then his hand holding onto the girl, I gave both a gentle squeeze and he let her go, I then gently helped him sit right in front of the door.

"That r-rope's there for a damn r-reason, m-moron." I said, "Don't d-do th-this again." I pushed her toward the rope.

Jack continued to growl as the two girls began running off, both looking horrified, I knew I wouldn't get in trouble for what happened, there are a bunch of signs sitting around warning people not to go past the ropes so the freaks can't reach them, but she deliberately did it just to piss me off, she was literally asking for trouble.

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