¤Chapter 2¤

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(Y/N's POV):

'Just a little closer.....'

I creeped slowly towards the edge of the clearing, using the trees and brush as cover. My eyes were trained heavily on a rather large mule deer buck. One that would feed me for a month or so, while also supplying me with enough tallow to make candles and soap for the fall. This buck had strayed a little too far away from the herd. It had taken me at least an hour to sneak up upon this magnificent beast, so like hell I was going to waste this opportunity. Carefully reaching for an arrow from my quiver, I readied my bow with the other hand. After pulling the arrow out, I drew the bow string as I lined up the shot. I only had one chance to hit a vital point. If I missed, it would spook the buck and the herd would take off in a panic. Taking in a deep breath, I held it as my shot became as perfectly aligned as it could ever be. Ready......Aim......Fire.

I breathed out as I released my arrow, holding my form as it launched towards the buck. A burst of pride sparked within my chest as I watched the shot lodge itself within the buck. The arrow had punctured its lung (or the surrounding vital organs), making the buck recoil in pain. In a split second, the buck reared onto its hind legs and let out a bellowing cry. The herd was alerted and driven into a panicked stampede. The buck took off into a different direction than the herd, leaving a thick blood trail in its wake. Gripping my bow tightly, I took off after the buck and tried to keep pace behind it. Based on where the arrow had punctured it, I don't think that the buck will last very long. I just have to wait out the stamina of the buck, then this will have been a very prosperous hunt.

(3rd Person POV):

(Y/N) pursued the mule deer buck's trail for a solid few miles, using the still very prominent blood trail that had been left upon the ground and surrounding brush to her advantage. There had also been a clear trail made from the buck trampling over bushes and small trees. The poor...poor flowers...They too, stood no chance. But the trail soon tapered off and the blood had become only little spots upon the leaves. (Y/N) slowed her pace, taking a quick look around. Behind her, tied to the trunk of a tree, were the yellow and red flags that had been placed by her father years prior. (Y/N) began to feel unsettled. She knew that yellow meant 'uncharted', while the red meant 'possible danger'. She had been so focused on tracking the buck that she had completely ignored the marker flags.

(Y/N) looked from the flags to the trail repeatedly. This was quite the predicament. On one hand, this area was completely uncharted and quite possibly dangerous. She could easily get turned around and lost if she wasn't careful. Especially because the trail became more and more zig-zagged as it continued on. However, (Y/N) needed everything that this buck had to offer. She could make use of every single part of the body, right down to the velvet on the antlers. The meat alone could provide a good enough reason to venture out into this uncharted territory. (Y/N) let out a sigh and turned towards the trail. The benefits outweigh the risks, but only just this once. Besides, all she would have to do is find the white marker flags to lead her back home. It might take a day or two if she was unlucky, but (Y/N) had some faith in her father's teachings. Taking a deep breath, (Y/N) placed her bow in her back holster clip and grabbed out her hunter's knife. Then, she continued to venture further into the uncharted forest.

About 10 minutes of searching had passed before (Y/N) was able to find the buck. It lay upon the ground, too weak to continue running. It let out pained wails, only loud enough to be considered as rasping whispers. With half lidded, delirious looking eyes, the buck looked to (Y/N). (Y/N) felt pity for the creature, regretting the shot she had taken. Had she been better, maybe she could have impaled the throat or eye socket. At least those would have provided a quicker, less painful death for the poor male mule deer. (Y/N) kneeled beside the creature and murmured, "Don't worry, your death will not be in vain. I am sorry for causing such suffering to you." Using the hunter's knife in her hand, she mercy killed the buck with a swift slice to the jugular. Now that that was over, (Y/N) could now turn her attention to the other issue at hand.

Right in front of (Y/N) and the buck's lifeless body, about 5-10ft from them, stood a large chain-link fence. It seemed old, rust spots littering a few patches of the cheap looking metal. Standing at about 15-16ft tall, it stretched for miles in either direction from her left and right. There was barbed wire in some sections of the fence, but other parts were either gone or completely rusted over. This was the first time in 16 years (Y/N) had seen something man-made (other than her and her father's cabin). The last time she had seen something like this, was the day when she and her father had attended her mother's funeral. But that was forever ago, around the time when she was still just a naive 7 year old. This fence was possibly here since before they began living in the wilderness.

However, the most unsettling part was actually the forest beyond the fence. Though it was easily mid-day, or about an hour or so past, the forest beyond the fence was dark. Not shady, dark. As if it was constantly dusk or night time on that side. Not only that, but it was oddly foggy. Unnatural when you factor in that there has been no weather that would allow this stark difference between the two sides. (Y/N) approached the fence and peered through it. Though it was hard to see through the dense fog and darkness, she could still make out the silhouettes of trees and regular plant life. Though, what made her heart jump to her throat, was the other silhouette she saw. There, standing in the distance with their hand against a tree, was a humanoid figure...seemingly facing in her direction.

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¤End of Chapter 2¤

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