¤Chapter 1¤

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(Y/N's POV):


The sound of steady dripping fills my ears. The inky blackness of the void surrounds me. It's cold, but my body is warm. My lungs burn as I try to take a breath, desperation settling in as I am unable to. My stomach lurches as I begin to fall, unable to breathe or scream as I endlessly plunge into the abyss. Then I see it. The Tar. As if gaining sentience, it reaches large tendrils towards me. Encompassing my body, it drags me down into its sludge like liquid. The feelings of emptiness and despair begin to overtake my mind. But it is only then that I am able to see him, my father. Surrounded by light, he reaches his hands out to me. His face harbored a gentleness as the tar was repulsed away from his warm aura. With a soft kiss placed upon my forehead, he leans towards my ear. "Do not give up. Trust in your gut. I know you can find me." He whispered, covering my eyes with his hand. Then, once again, I was engulfed in darkness.

My eyes squinted open as rays of sunlight streamed in through the drapes. Sitting up, I rubbed at my eyes and face, then glanced around. Still in my room, still safe in my bed. I sighed and got up, stretching my limbs out in preperation for the day ahead. That dream...it plagued me ever since his disappearance. I know he's still out there, surviving in his own way...until the day we are reunited. Until then, I must hold down the fort (while also searching for any sign of him in the mean time). Scratching at my chest, I begrudgingly changed out of my comfortable (and warm) pajamas and into my hunting attire. Once dressed, I tied my mop of hair up into a loose ponytail and pulled on my boots. After lacing them up, I exited my room and into the hall. Pictures lined the walls. Pictures of when I was young...when mother was still alive, and when father was still around before he disappeared.

Smiling, I paused in front of a picture of the three of us. Kissing my index finger, I then pressed it to both of their cheerful faces. "Don't worry mom, I'll find him. I promise," I whispered before hurrying towards the main living area. I made my way to the table where I had laid my equipment and weapons down the previous day. All of my weapons and equiptment combined included: A hunter's bow, A quiver of 20 arrows, A hunter's knife, A utility knife, A small dagger, And a 5ft long spool of rope. Equipping the items to various parts of my body and belt, I quickly left the cabin and made my way to the shed. Outside, everything felt so calm and serene. Little morning chirps from waking birds. The wind blowing a light breeze though the dew covered grass and rustling the trees a bit. The soft sound of water flowing down stream from the nearby creek. Everything was so peaceful, so tranquil, so quiet. This pleasant feeling that the surrounding nature could provide was just one of the perks anyone could experience when living out in the wilderness.

(3rd Person POV):

(Y/N) sighed in content, she adored living in the wilderness. Especially when her dad was around to crack jokes during their morning chores. As she entered the shed, she was sure to grab the main important tools. All of which included: A bucket, A garden hoe, A hand trowel, Pruning sheers, Gardening gloves, And a compost fork. Usually there would be far more she'd have to grab, but that would be too much for a single person to handle for just the morning. After leaving the shed and placing the tools near the rows of edible plants, she hurried toward the bigger second shed. She made sure to bring the gardening gloves, bucket, and compost trowel with her for this tedious task. (Y/N) went toward the east end of the second shed, unlocking one of the small doors along the wall. As she pulled open the small door, she had to force herself not to gag. Admittedly, this was one of (Y/N)'s least favorite chores. But it had to be done, especially when this homemade manure compost was essential to the lively hood of the crops. Slipping on the gloves, (Y/N) shuddered as she plunged her hands into the manure compost.

The initial smell was always the worst, but then it only ever smelled like regular fertalizer after a minute or two. After stirring up the manure compost a bit with her hands and the compost trowel, (Y/N) scooped enough out to fill the bucket. Afterwards, she closed the small door and carried the bucket towards the garden. (Y/N) took a deep breath of fresh air once she was away from the second shed. She refused to call it an out-house, knowing that calling it by that name would only make the chore worse than it already was. Once at the crops, she began to spread out the compost as evenly as she could. Though it didn't take long, (Y/N) still shuddered and dreaded every second she had to spend touching the compost. When she was finished with spreading the compost around, she made a mad dash towards the creek.

This creek was always a saving grace for (Y/N) whenever she had to do that damn chore. Upon arriving at the edge of the creek, (Y/N) quickly washed the bucket and gloves in the clear water. Then, she proceeded to scrub the living crap out of her hands once the gloves were off. Watching the residue of the compost flow downstream, (Y/N) sighed in relief. Shaking off her left over disgust, (Y/N) filled up the bucket to the brim with some of the water from the creek. All that was left to do for the day was to water the crops, hunt some small animals, and attempt to track her dad...again. Maybe if she was lucky, she might even be able to find some big game! (Y/N) hurried off to the garden, careful not to spill too much of the water. There was so much to do, yet just so little amount of light in a day.

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¤End of Chapter 1¤

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