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~Chapter 2 - Moon~

Gregory went down the slide. Once he got down it, he moved towards the padded floor. In the corner of his eye, he saw something, so he looked towards it. He saw a sun-looking animatronic just before it jumped into the ball pit. He saw Alex come out of the slide as well. He moved faster toward the floor until the animatronic picked him up and started talking about a slumber party. He payed no attention to it and eventually he was put down. It kept talking until Alex came out of the pit. It turned around and froze. He realized that Alex, intentionally or not, was distracting the animatronic. That gave him time to get the security badge. Alex told him where the desk was before, so he knew the way. When he grabbed the badge, the lights turned off. The conversation between Alex and the sun also stopped. The only thing he remembered from the sun's rambling was about a rule, to keep the lights on. He heard Freddy say something about generators.


Alex ran toward the security desk, and away from the moon. He knew Gregory was there, that's where the only light was, and where the badge was.

He did see Gregory standing behind the desk, he seemed to be listening to Freddy. He overheard part of their conversation, and said that he knew where some of the generators were. Freddy was relieved. They both covered a play structure. Alex covered the one where he knew where the generators were, Gregory covered the other. There were 5, so Alex had the majority of them. Once Alex did his, the lights turned on, which impressed him. He didn't think Gregory would finish his that fast. He walked towards the middle of the daycare, where he saw Gregory. Alex led him to the doors of the daycare. He pressed the button next to the door, then Sun suddenly appeared and kicked Gregory out for being a "rule breaker". Alex quickly walked out behind him. Freddy was outside the daycare. Gregory went into Freddy's chest cavity while Alex kept up with them.

Freddy explained everything about Moon while they were walking-or rather running- toward a recharge station. Alex knew he couldn't do that, so he said he could find another way and they split up.


Alex looked around the main lobby. There wasn't anywhere decent to hide, and he knew it was almost the end of the hour. He ran toward one of the hiding spots and hoped for the best. That didn't work very well, and Moon caught him. He, luckily, managed to escape, but he did get a few bruises, as well as a pretty bad cut on his arm. He assumed Gregory, and possibly Freddy, would still be around the daycare since there was a recharge station in that area, so he started there.

Once he got to the daycare, he immediately found Freddy with Gregory still inside. They seemed to be somewhat fighting over something. He walked over and asked what was going on, while hiding his arm. He decided that he would mention that later, or after this "argument" was sorted out. Freddy explained that Gregory said he saw a white rabbit when they were in the recharge station. But Freddy didn't see it and knows there isn't a rabbit at the Pizzaplex. There was silence, then they were suddenly ignoring that conversation and walking towards the next area.

While they were walking, Freddy noticed that Alex was very quiet, and decided to ask. That's when Freddy noticed how hurt he was, and he asked if he needed anything. Alex, who knew what Freddy was talking about, finally showed his arm. Freddy immediately took them off course and went toward a first aid station.

They all sat in silence as Freddy bandaged Alex's arm until Gregory asked where they were going after this. According to Freddy, their next plan was to level up their security by going to one of the many arcades. So after Freddy was finished, Gregory and Alex left to the arcade since Freddy couldn't go with them.

Freddy told them to go to the arcade through El Chips, so they headed there first. We made some small talk about things like my arm, but that talk wasn't necessarily small. It was actually quite a long conversation. We both shared what happened when we split up, then I explained the injuries. After that was other conversations, I randomly asked Gregory if I could call him Greg, and he agreed. He also commented on how short my name was and how there weren't really any nicknames. I, of course, had to bring up my deadname. I wasn't thinking, I just said it. We stopped walking and he stared at me, at first with confusion, then realization. He didn't bring it up afterward, but I know he didn't forget about it...

~End of Chapter 2 - Moon~

Daycare Attendant... (Working title, on hiatus until end of August)Where stories live. Discover now