Prologue to the Prologue - Alex's Past

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(Yes, I know that sounds stupid, but this an apology about late update. Writers block -.-)

(Note-If you didn't figure it out, Alex is trans, and this was written after the actual Prologue, hence it being called Prologue to the Prologue and not just the Prologue)
TW-Bullying, tr@n$ph0b1@

~Prologue to the Prologue - Alex's Past~
Alex was always the quiet kid in school. He always just sat doing arts and crafts in the back. He didn't have any friends, he always made the excuse that they "would always betray you." He was always bullied for being "too boyish." Until someone came up to him during lunch and asked if she could sit. Alex nodded and she sat. She introduced herself as Anika. Anika asked a few questions occasionally and since they were mostly yes or no questions, Alex would just nod or shake his head.

After lunch, Alex and Anika separated to their classes. When Alex walked in, he was immediately greeted by harsh comments about his looks as usual. Alex had grown immune to their words, mostly. He didn't really care when the words were said, but afterwards, that's all he could think about. As he was writing, he could only think about the words they would say. Then, he thought about something Anika said. Anika said that he looked pretty, and the he suddenly had an idea for his story.


Throughout the next few years, Alex slowly became more and more uncomfortable with how he looked. When he told her mom, she didn't understand, she said she never went through that. That made Alex stressed. He thought that he shouldn't be feeling this way, that thinking like that wasn't normal. He decided to turn to his good friend, the internet.

He opened up a search engine and first typed, "Why do I feel uncomfortable in my body?" He wasn't expecting a definite answer, but surprisingly got a decent answer. He then learned about transgender and realized, that was it, that was what he was feeling. He didn't want to open up to his mom. Besides, he wouldn't know, she said that she hadn't gone through that. So he looked into getting a binder, but they were expensive, so he then told his mom that he wanted to get a job.

His mom helped him find a decent paying job and he got to work. He raised enough money within about a month and ordered the binder. He knew his mom wouldn't approve of getting a haircut, so he asked Anika. She wanted to be a hairstylist and was already pretty good since she's been working at her mom's shop for awhile.

He called her to ask, he had the money also just in case. Of course, she said yes and didn't make him pay. She said that since it was for a friend, she could do it free of charge.

Alex walked to the shop Anika worked at and nervously peeked inside to see if Anika was there. She was, so Alex walked in, Anika immediately greeted him with a warm smile and led him to a chair. Alex told her what he was thinking mostly on the phone, but he had to give a few more details.

After she was done, Anika offered to walk him back since her shift was done, and Alex accepted.

When Alex got back, he saw the package with her binder and was glad his mother didn't see it. He waved goodbye to Anika as he ran up to his room.

Once he put the binder on and looked at himself, he felt complete. Once his mom found out however, he was kicked out.

After awhile in foster care, he finally found someone who supported him, she was an older lady. She introduced herself as Sarah, and gladly adopted him.

~End of Prologue to the Prologue - Alex's Past~

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