Chapter 2

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Jade was brought the supplies for her desk that she asked for. When her food was brought up she filled her stomach and wrote three variations of a letter to Lander and Merek. In the end she kept out the details, and decided instead to ease their worries and tell them that she was safe and would meet up with them in person to explain everything just as soon as she was able. Jade folded the letter and then wiped down her sword while she waited.

Jade focused on the connection to Phantom and he accepted Jade consciousness easily and she closed her eyes. She couldn't see through his eyes, but their connection was growing stronger each day that Jade felt a little intimidated by it. She wondered what they would really be capable of if it continued to grow. From the emotions Jade could tell that Phantom wasn't so bored like he had been earlier. He was picking up new scents and keeping his eyes alert, so they were probably walking somewhere. Jade was surprised at how Phantom could feel humans emotions. Anyone they passed Phantom had this sense of whether they were friend or foe, or if someone was nervous or happy, angry or sad, anxious or calm. Jade wondered if all wolves were able to pick up on it like Phantom was. Maybe that's what makes them so invaluable; they can spot a threat in a crowd of people in just moments.

Jade kept the connection but pulled away so she didn't distract Phantom with her own emotions. She wanted to be at Reiner's side herself, but he had been right to let her rest. She had needed the few precious hours to gather herself. She felt better prepared now, like her feet were finally underneath her. When her clothes were finally brought up the two girls that had delivered them hung them up in her wardrobe. Jade waited impatiently for the girl to finish and then pulled off the robe and pulled on her familiar clothes. Jade looked at herself in the mirror that hung against inside of the wardrobe door, again she found she hardly recognized herself. Everything had been cleaned and polished and with Jade's hair and face clean and uniform Jade was shocked to realize that she looked like a Protector. And why shouldn't you? You're no different than them now, only a title separates you but that doesn't mean they are better.

Jade strapped the Katana to her waist and took a deep breath. Everything about her was different, the sword, her wolf, her horse. Nothing was like it should have been but Jade still found that she wouldn't trade any of it. She left her room to search out Reiner. With the connection to Phantom at the front of her mind she made her own way through the halls of the Palace. People dropped their conversations as they watched her pass, but Jade ignored them as any Protector would and kept walking. Using Phantoms connection to guide herself she got turned around only a handful of times, their connection continued to solidify the closer she got and soon she stood before a pair of heavy wood doors. Two royal guards stood in front of each and Jade slowed as she approached.

She recognized Leeson but he only gave her a passing glance without emotion and pulled open his door. The other guard remained like stone and didn't even look at Jade. She gave him only a curt nod of recognition and stepped into the room. Jade let the door close silently behind her and glanced around before she stepped forward. The room was warm and bright. The large glass doors were open to a small covered patio outside and the room was full of plants and flowers. Jade felt as though she were standing in a garden. In the middle of the room there were two plush couches and a couple of tall plush chairs with wide arms and elaborate embroidery. A small piano forte sat in the corner of the room, a few potted flowers were sitting on top of it and a small writing desk was nestled between two ivy plants making their way up a wooden stick that had been stuck in pot. The room was secluded and comforting to stand in, and Jade had no doubt that it was one of the queens' private parlors. She felt like she was invading, but she knew Leeson would not have allowed her to enter if she were not permitted. Reiner and the queen were sitting across from each other on the couches. A pot of tea sat on a long knee high table in front of them. They each turned when Jade entered. Phantom was sitting on the floor near the end of Reiner's couch; he didn't move but pricked his ears forward.

**OLD DRAFT**Sworn: Book 2 of Protectors**OLD DRAFT**Where stories live. Discover now