Chapter 1

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     Across the land of Minecraftia, there are six(or seven, depends if you beileve tales that servants tell you.) kingdoms. The Sky Kingdom, The Bacca Kingdom, The Nether Kingdom, The Chicken  Kingdom(or so says one of King Sky's servants.), The Atlantic Kingdom, The High Grounds, and The Lava Kingdom.

    Upon these six(or seven) kingdoms, there was a war within two. The High Grounds and the Lava Kingdom. They have been fighting over land for over 20 years. The other kingdoms knew of this war going on, but they did not interfere, in fear of their kingdom getting destroyed or pilaged.

    The High Grounds is exactly what you expected, high in the mountains, surrounded by fields of flowers and trees. The High Grounds is ruled by Lord Alexander, the king, Lady Marry, the queen, and Robert, their son. Their symbol is the Wolves and eagles, for they both are strong and fierce.

   The Lava Kingdom is hidden within an active volcano, which can be activated by one of the rulers. The place is surrounded by boiling lava, and no wildlife or plants to be found. This kingdom is ruled by Lord Richard, Lady Annabell, and their son, Preston. And how, you ask, are they able to live here? Well, they are Lava mobs. Creatures that are made of lava(well duh), but they look like humans. They are able to walk, talk, and feel like a normal human. But made of lava. Okay then.

    Like said before, these two kingodms have had a feud for about 20 years. Why, you might ask? Well, years ago(20), when Lord Alexander did not rule The High Grounds, his father, Lord Mike, had made a deal with the Lava Kingdom. The deal was that if the Lava Kingdom supplied them lava to smelt and be powered by, the High Grounds would give them various goods in return, things like meat, armor, various ores and such. But, Lord Mike was cheap with this deal. He gave them only a pound of meat, weak armor, clothes that would not handle the lava's heat, and only gave them coal and cobble. Lord Justin and Lady Hanna, king and queen of the Lava kingdom at the time, was furious. Because of Lord Mikes cheap decision, people of the Lava mobs starved and were not decently clothed. The Lava Kingdom was weaken. Lord Mike knew this, and he sent troupes to them, and attacked. Villagers were attacked, some slaughtered on the sight. As the lava knights were sent to stop these attacks, but they were slaughtered as well. They declared war against the High Grounds, and thus the feud began. Fights and arguments among the years, and here we are.

    Stuck with the fighting of these two Kingdoms, the kingdoms have been stressed out. They are really just tired of their fighting for all these years, and even tried to end their fighting, but to no advail. The lords and ladies have just given up on stopping the feud between these two, and only pled them to not fight at royal meetings.

   Which is about to begin.


Hello c: this is the Chibi here! And I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of 'Rob and Preston'. In school we had to read Romeo and Juliet, and thought I could do this c: Also, I am pretty sure I made Rob and Preston's parents names fake, just in case. Also I don't know their names so :P there's that. Well hope you enjoyed this chapter, and hope you like it enough to read more! Farewell

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