Chapter 4

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The invitations where ready and sent to the mail delivery. Aka Jason. Jason was the fastest delivery person in all of the kingdoms, mostly because of his rocket boots. They were sent to every kingdom, all but the Lava Kingdom. Not because the people of the lava kingdom weren't invited, but Jason can not cross over without falling in lava, even with his boots.
He sighed. "I hate delivering here. Every time I try too, it melts my boots. And these are brand new! I curse the day they got rid of the bridge, this would make this much easier."
He pondered for a moment or two, until he saw a couple of residence. Two young males, both wearing leather armor. One was a human with blond hair, and the other a lava mob.
"Excuse me," he called out to them, "You there, care to help a guy out?"
They exchanged looks but shrugged, walking over to Jason.
"Sure, what with?" The lava mob said.
Jason pulled out the invitations from his bag and handed them to the human.
"There's things I need to deliver to some people over there in the lava kingdom. But sadly, I can not cross even with my rocket boots. They would melt on sight, and I would have no way to get back over without paying a fortune for a boat."
The lava mob nodded, "Sure. We'll get them over to them right away."
Jason bowed to them and smiled, "Thank you guys so much! I owe you big time."
And with that, Jason went on his way and left the two alone.

"Did he really not recognize you, Preston? I'd thought that every worker for the kingdoms would recognize the prince." The blond male said, looking at the papers given to him.
"Well with this get up, we both kind of look like peasants," Preston said, looking over his shoulder, "any who, what does the letters say, Lachlan? I am curious."
Lachlan opened one of the envelopes and took out a piece of paper, reading aloud.
"We here by invite you to Prince Roberts meet and greet to meet him and his new fiancé. This event will be happening tomorrow at 9:30pm. We hope you can join this wonderful event."
Preston frowned. "A party? Just to meet the prince and his little fiancé? Isn't that over doing it a bit?"
"Well, who cares really. I doubt any one here would go and party." Lachlan tore up the paper and threw it in the lava, along with the rest of the envelopes.
"What if I want to go?" Preston blurted out.
Lachlan looked at him in surprise. "You can't be serious, can you?"
"What if I am?" Preston folded his arms, frowning harder than before.
"You can't! Your kingdoms are literally mortal enemies! You can't just walt's on in and party."
"The kingdom is their mortal enemies. I, however, am not. I'm not the kingdom, Lachy." Lachlan grabbed Preston by the shoulders of his tunic and shook him.
"Have you gone mad, man?! Your parents will kill you! Not only that, but they won't even let you in! You're the bloody prince of the Lava Kingdom. They would capture you and throw you in their dungeon on the spot!"
"Lachy please," Preston took his friends arms off of him, "why is it such a big deal? I never met them before, so why should I hate them? They could be nice people. Plus, if they didn't want lava mobs to come, they wouldn't have sent an invite."
"I don't know, Preston.." Lachlan sighed, "can you at least disguise yourself?"
Preston tilted his head. "How am I suppose to disguise myself?"
Lachlan patted Preston on the shoulder and lead him away from the Lava Kingdom.
"Don't you worry your little lava head. I've got just the plan."

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