Chapter 3

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Lord Alexander arrived home to his servants greeting him. Telling him good afternoon and asking how the meeting went, taking his cape from him to hang it away so it won't drag with him the whole time. He headed to the chambers to see his wife Marry. She came rushing out to hug him.
"Oh my love! I have great news!" She released him from her hug and smiled at him.
Alexander tilted his head back, "What great news? Have we finally been declared as the most powerful of kingdoms?"
"No, love. We have booked the largest ball rooms for a meet and greet for Robert and his Fiancé."
Alexander sighed. "I suppose it would be wise to allow the citizens to see how Robert will grow to a fantastic king. We'll make an accounment to them and tell everyone that they can come."
Marry frowned, and shook her head. "Yes, that is that bad part, I'm afraid."
He looked at his wife with confusion. "The bad part?"
"Robert wishes that the party will with other people in other kingdoms. You know how much he has wanted to see other kingdoms and speak to other people than the servants," she looked around and leaned in close, "between you and me, they do get a tad boring to speak too."
Alexander sighed and rubbed his forehead. "I suppose we could arrange something for the other kingdoms to come."
Marry's smile retuned and he hugged him again. "Thank you, my love. Robert would sure to be happy with this."
Realsing her husband, he gathered her skirt from the floor and walked down the stairs, most likely to fell what food we would need for this thing.

Rob sighed, resting his head on his desk. It was covered in papers and was messy as could be. He was tired of writing inventations, for he was writing for 2 hours. He felt a hand on his shoulder, and he looked up.
"Angel, hello." He murmured. She gave him a weak smile.
"Is everything alright, Rob?" She asked. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and her green eyes stared at him.
"I don't think we should do this." He sighed. He looked down at the inventations, all sprawled out on his desk.
"I'm truly sorry, Rob. I never ment for this to happen. It just kind of popped out.." Angels voice trailed off. She was more upset over this than him.
"Maybe we should tell my parents. That we aren't really going to get married and we are just friends."
Angel gasped, "We can't do that! They would be furious at us! They would kick you out of the kingdom and you'd be shunned! Gods know that they'll have my head or worse for lying like that."
Rob stood up from his desk and stared at her. "Then what presume you expect us to do? Mother and father expects me to get married and have children and rule this kingdom."
Angel looked down and started to pace. She had no idea what to do. It took her several minutes to come up with a plan.
"How about this? That the meet and greet, we can find you another girl to woe, and you'll tell your parents that you found a new love. Then we won't have to get married and we can just be friends and everyone will be happy. Good idea, huh?"
She praised herself for this idea, like she always does. Rob sighed.
"I suppose that is the best plan we've got. So we'll do it."
Angel gave him a smile and a hug. She leaves his room to go to her bed chamber that she has been staying at for a few weeks.
"Let's just hope it works.." Rob sighed, and fell onto his bed.

Rob and PrestonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora