Changes And Return

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Okay. Its morning and I'm leaving. Its about 6 in the morning and I can feel some changes physical body. My muscles are harder and more defined than before. Guess I'll change completely in 2 days. My looks are the same but more defined, I guess my face won't change but just my body structure. That's good. I just said good bye to Issei's parents and left with a bag of clothes and some food. I'll be living in the wild so I'll probably hunt.

So now I stood at a cave on the mountains. No one will bother me here. Let's set my stuff down. Good thing that there is a lake near the cave. A lot of wild animals will come here to drink so I got a steady supply for food and water. Now I just need to train. Let's contact Ddraig. I have been feeling his presence since the time I got here. Its faint but it is there. Let's meditate.

I sat down in a meditative position and started my meditation. Since it was early in the morning I can use a session of morning meditation. Now let my consciousness loose and focus on nothing while focusing on everything. I feel it. I'm traveling inside my mental plane. Not spiritual but mental. Is it just me or is it getting really Warm in here? I opened my eyes to see the most beautiful and majestic flames I have ever seen. They yelled power. But in between the flames I saw a pair of eyes. Green eyes to be precise. I am here. I am standing in front of the great Welsh Dragon. But something is different. Ddraig seems for feminine.

Ddraig: Oh! So my new host seems interesting. He managed to reach the mental plane all by himself and I didn't need to pull him in.

Me: Who are you?

Ddraig: I am the mighty Welsh dragon. One of the two heavenly dragons. I am the great Red Dragon Emperor. Ddraig. And you are my host.

Me: Great. So I am in the right place.

Ddraig: Hmmm? You mean you expected a huge red dragon in your mental plains?

Me: If I didn't find you, I'd panic. Since we are in my mental plain then you can look into my memories. All of them. You'll know why I'm not panicking nor am I scared.

Ddraig narrowed his eyes but decided to trust me. He lifted one of his Claws and tapped my forehead. My forehead glowed and I felt all my memories run in a fast forward mode. Soon Ddraig took his claws back and had a surprised expression. I understood that it isn't everyday that your previous host is taken over by a more sensible and a lot stronger one.

Ddraig: That is a lot to take in. But the future with you seems a lot more promising then what it would be with the true host.

Me: Exactly! That's why I wanted to talk to you. Since my body will take about 2 days to be in my peak human condition then why not talk to you and make a trade.

Ddraig: You want to trade your body parts? But you won't be able to turn them back.

Me: Is there no way for me to change into a dragon while keeping my human form as well?

Ddraig: There is and its more effective then the one I used on the other boy...

Me: I sense a but.

Ddraig: But since its a lot more useful it will come at a heavier price. The pain would be too much for a normal human.

Me: Pain's an old friend. Do it.

Ddraig: Don't blame me later. Now leave so I can start the process.

I nodded and slowly opened my eyes inside the cave. I decided to see if I could talk to Ddraig through a mental link.

Me: [Ddraig! Are you still here?]

Ddraig:{Yes! I'll start the process. You ready?}

Me: [Do it.]

Reborn As IsseiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora