prologue: polaroid of perfection

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Prologue: polaroid of perfection

Prologue: polaroid of perfection

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"Looks can deceive

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"Looks can deceive. She wears her heart on her sleeve."

Dionne Selene, named after the iconic singer, was the polaroid of perfection but her family was not. Her older brother DeLuca was the result of an affair between Cal Jacobs and Ava Selene, which made her related to Nate Jacobs by proxy.

Ava and Cal raised their kids side by side so DeLuca could grow up with both of his siblings. Ava was the vice principal at East Highland High School and Cal paid more than enough child support for Ava and Dionne to live comfortably. And so Ava would never file for full custody of Luca. Dionne had a room at Cal's house which he insisted she use while her mom was working. He'd also insisted that Nate watch over her, which DeLuca hated. He hated seeing Nate around Di, and hated how Cal put Nate on a pedestal. Dionne was his sister, the one thing in that house that he didn't have to share with his fucking brother.

It was the perfect cover: the vice principal's kids running drugs. A duo with perfect grades, perfect records, perfect everything. No one would suspect it. And no one had suspected anything yet, other than their half-brother Nate Jacobs.

DeLuca lived with Cal and his family but his little sister always came along. Nate had a strange obsession with Dionne fueled by hate instead of lust. To him, Dionne wasn't even close to perfect, she was the enemy. And you know what they say, "keep your friends close and your enemies closer."

So the day after he found his dad's porn collection, he pushed Dionne down the stairs.

Eleven year old Dionne sat at the top of the stairs playing with an American Girl doll that looked just like her in ignorant bliss. Twelve year old Nate Jacobs pushed her down the staircase and she started crying. Not because her arm was broken, but because he broke the head off of her fucking doll.

"He broke Genevieve!" she screamed.

But, the next day, before she went back to her mom's house, Nate gave her a black box with a silver ribbon on top. Inside was a brand new American Girl Doll with a D necklace on it. And then he signed her cast. He was the first one.

Over the years, Nate developed an obsession with Dionne, hurting her and buying her brand new dolls and makeup afterward. Like clockwork, Dionne and Nate would compete over everything and when Nate didn't come out on top, which surprisingly happened a lot, he got violent. DeLuca always stepped in but never put his hands on Nate claiming he was a pacifist. Instead, he'd take his sister to his room and the two would have a smoke session.

DeLuca Jacobs felt like an intruder in his own home. He was a pretty chill guy. Don't get me wrong, he had a violent side that he used for good. And he didn't have many guy friends. While his sister hung out with Maddy and Cassie, Luca and I shared an addiction to drugs. The difference between us was Luca was a high functioning addict who didn't let using get in the way of his normal life.

He was a popular loner, East Highland's resident artist. This past summer, he painted a mural in the cafeteria.

The way Nate treated Dionne affected DeLuca's art. Dionne loved clothes and DeLuca would paint her bruises onto patches of fabric. Dionne used those patches to create her entire wardrobe, as fucked up as it was. She already spoke her mind but fashion was the one way she could say a thousand words without opening her mouth.

Her style was inspired by Dionne from the 1995 classic Clueless and the TV show Degrassi. Every piece she sewed, every outfit she put together told a story. Her dream was to be a fashion designer, get the hell out of East Highland - away from Nate Jacobs. And Cal who genuinely scared her.

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