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STEPPING BACK INTO THE house, the sound of Amber speaking to someone at the front door caught my attention. Neither she or I had been expecting anyone—as far as I knew—and from the sound of her voice, it didn't seem to be someone who was welcomed.

I made my way in her direction quickly, watching as she turned to face me with worry filling her gaze. When she moved, I got a full view of who was standing at the other side and felt a pang to my chest.

On the other side of the door was Danielle's mother—Riley's other grandmother—who hadn't seen her in four months and hadn't made an effort to. However, I instantly noticed that she was crying as she spoke about Riley, her gaze turning to me as I approached the door as well.

"Why are you here, Lorraine?" I questioned, my voice as hardened and stern as I had intended it be. What right did she have to show up randomly at my door when I was left to parent Riley on my own when her family left me behind. Sure, I may not have been the best at coparenting with Danielle at the beginning, but my family and I had always been around.

"I had to see my granddaughter, Wesley. I needed to know she's okay. She's gotten so big," she cried, her gaze locked on my eyes as if she were pleading for my forgiveness.

I had always liked Lorraine, which was more than I could say for her husband. She had always been welcoming to me and hadn't admonished me for getting her daughter pregnant in the way that her husband had, almost as if it was only my fault. But when Danielle gave up her rights and days, weeks, and months went by without her even so much as sending me a text to check in, I lost much of my respect for her.

"Amber, can you take Riley upstairs?" I questioned lowly, my blood boiling as I looked at Lorraine, only for some of my anger to dissipate when my gaze settled on Amber and Riley.

"Of course," she spoke softly, sending shy smiles in Lorraine and I's directions before making her exit.

"Why now? Why not four fucking months ago?" I questioned the woman on the other side as calmly as I could manage when this was the last way I wanted to be spending my evening. "You've had more than enough time to see her and you know I wouldn't have denied you of that."

She shook her head as more tears filled her eyes. "I know Wesley, I know. Can you just let me explain? Please?"

Her voice cracked as she spoke and it was hard for me to see a woman who I had known to carry herself with resolve break down like this. I was never someone who never found it easy to watch someone else be in pain—even if I was surrounded by it in my career.

"Come in."

I opened the door wider and let her step in, leading her to the living room where we both sat on the couch facing one another. She was clearly too upset to speak at the moment, so I passed her a few tissues and gave her the time she needed to calm down.

"Danielle...she asked me to stay away, Wesley. When she told me she was giving up her rights, I begged her not to. I felt like she was giving up on herself, on Riley, and on you. But her father supported her and she went through with it," Lorraine began to explain, seemingly back to her normal, poise composure. "When she asked me to stay away, I thought I was doing right by my daughter, but not a day has gone by that Riley hasn't been on my mind."

"I wonder every day about how she looks, how big she's gotten, and how much I've missed out on. I just...I got to the point where I couldn't stay away anymore and I couldn't follow what she wanted anymore. Her entire life, I've coddled her feelings, but I decided to put mine first and see my granddaughter."

Listening to her speak, I felt each and every word hit my heart, making my feel remorse for Lorraine combined with anger over how alone I had been in those first few days and weeks of having Riley by myself.

"I just don't understand how it can take someone so long to come to terms with something like this. Does Danielle have you that wrapped around her finger?"

My words must have been like daggers for Lorraine; I watched her flinch as soon as they left my mouth, but she didn't deny it. "She did. I let caring for her cloud what's right and wrong and I just can't do that anymore, Wesley. Not when a child is involved."

"Where is she?" I questioned Lorraine, deflecting from adding Riley to the conversation anymore—I didn't want to talk about her and Danielle in the same sentence anymore.

"She's in London. She works at a firm owned by one of her father's close friends. Haven't seen her since the day she gave up rights," Lorraine admitted, the shakiness of her voice letting me know it was true—and that it was hurting her. And I couldn't watch her cry anymore, it was clear that this has tortured her enough. Even if I wasn't ready to forgive her, I couldn't provide her any of the pain that I've endured over these four months—I knew how much it hurt.

It was also a relief to know that Danielle wasn't around here anymore. I don't know what I would do if I came face-to-face with her ever again.

With a sigh, I stood to my feet and watched as a look of despair crossed Lorraine's face, as she clearly thought that I was about to kick her out. "I'll go get Riley so you can see her."

Lorraine nodded, letting more tears fall from her eyes as a look of relief washed over her face. "That girl...Amber...is she your girlfriend?"

"Nanny," I corrected her with a shake of the head. "Couldn't do it by myself...not yet at least."

With that said, I made my way upstairs. After checking Riley's nursery only to find it empty, I made my way down the hallway to Amber's room. There, I found them both lying on Amber's bed, the sound of Riley's giggle filling the air.

Without saying a word, I made my way over the two of them and laid down on the bed beside Amber, Riley in between the both of us. She looked over at me with worry lacing her gaze, but she clearly understood that all I needed in that moment was to lie there with them—not to speak.

"She wants to see Riley," I muttered after a few moments of silence, glancing over at her to gauge her reaction, only to see that she was completely neutral.

"Do you want that?"

"I do," I replied without hesitation, turning my focus to Riley who was already staring up at me. I smiled down at her and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "All I want is for her to be happy...and this will only add to that."

I felt as Amber grasped my hand in her own, giving it a tight squeeze as if she were wishing me luck. I stood from the bed and scooped Riley up in my arms before making my way downstairs.

"Here she is," I smiled softly when I walked back into the living room.

A grin covered Lorraine's face as I placed Riley on her lap. I watched as Riley looked up at her curiously, but settled into her arms without any hesitation. What surprised me even more was the way she rested her head onto Lorraine moments later, which had her grandmother beaming like never before.

"Thank you so much, Wesley. Thank you," she spoke in a whispery tone as she held Riley close to her.

I simply nodded at her; she didn't know this was for me as much as it was for her.

a/n: i feel like this chapter was so sweet! riley got to meet her other grandmother!!!

do you think wesley should have let lorraine see riley? do you think this will only cause more drama? do you think he'll tell amber the full story and if so, how do you think she'll react?

thank you so much for reading, i hope you enjoyed!!!

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