t h r e e

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I ended up not sleeping at all after that. I would ocassionally turn on the television but realize its uselessness and return to staring out the window at the now lighted horizon.

While I layed on my back with the covers pulled up to my chest I let my mind wander. I feel my heart leap as my alarm for 7:30 am sounded throughout the quiet apartment.

I gently set my feet on the cold hardwood floor letting them adjust to the temperature before walking over to the coffee pot.

Before I could reach the kitchen there was a knock on my door startling me due to the fact nobody ever visits me.

I look through the peephole and see a tall dark haired boy looking around while he waited for me to open my door.

I unlock it and slowly open it afraid they could take in my horrid appearance of a messy bun and large tee shirt used as a nightgown. I'm sure the dark circles under my eyes really topped off the look, also.

He apparently didn't see me open the door since he turned to an unknown person hidden by the wall and said,

"Hopefully its not a grumpy old lady"

He looked back and his eyes went wide, " this is definitely not and old lady" he said winking at me. I blushed and looked down a my bare feet.

I heard a grunt from the unknown person and asked the tall boy

"Is there something you need?" in such a quiet voice I wasn't sure he heard me.

But he did and responded,

"yeah, you see I was wondering if you had any coffee? I'm sorry to ask but we are quite lazy and my friend here," he said nodding his head to the person I still couldn't see,

"pretty much cannot live with his daily dose of caffeine " the crinkles by his eyes showed as he laughed.

I saw a shoe come out and kick the persons leg, converse, cute.

"uh-yeah come on in" I squeeked as I opened the door more to allow them to come in.

I heard heavy footsteps behind me and as I turned around to hand them coffee I noticed who the other person was.


I started shaking and almost dropped the bag before handing it to Luke's friend.

"By the way, I'm Calum and this-"

"We know eachother" Luke and I said at the sane time.

Calums eyebrows furrowed as he looked back and forth between us. I blushed again and looked down realizing what I was wearing again.

"Oh wow, look at the time" my heart was racing, "I think you'd should leave. " I told them pushing then towards the door.

"Okay thanks for the coffee.." he trailed off before leaving.

"Lily" I told him.

"okay, thanks for the coffee, Lily" He winked for the second time before walking out.

I closed the door behind me and let out a large breath.

As I looked up I noticed a little piece of paper sitting on the table that wasn't there before.

I walked over to it and read the front in scirbbly handwriting it read:

(984)- (874)-(9837)
(random phone # ok)

call me ;-) -Calum

please vote lots okay okay ty

xoxo kat

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