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I looked through my dirty clothes spread out over my bedroom floor trying desperately to find an outfit that doesn't smell horrible from sitting on my floor
for so long.

Finally i find a large citizen band shirt that was probably my brothers stuffed in the back of my closet, I throw it on and put on a pair of leggings and my converse before I walk out to my car.

Once I get in the driver's seat i find my snapback sitting in the passengers side so I throw it on backwards over my fly aways at the top of my head. I follow the directions to the apartment building and make my way up to 3B.

Once there, I knock on the door and I hear a loud noise before Calum comes to open the door.

"Lily!" he grins and embraces me in a hug.

I am surprised by the sudden friendly gesture so it takes me a moment to react and wrap my arms around him.

I follow him inside and realize what the noise was, as there is a tall oddly-colored haired boy laying face down on the carpet while Luke is sitting on the couch laughing. I imagine the one on the floor had tripped and fell.

I watch Luke laughing as he throws his head back and the crinkles by his eyes appear until he notices me staring and just smiles at me.

I turn to calum as he didnt notice anything that had happened and he starts to introduce me to the rest of the boys.

"That's Michael" he said pointing to the one on the floor, "You already know Luke" Luke just grunts in response. What happened to him smiling at me just a moment ago?

"And Ash is out with his girlfriend right now." Michael scoffs.

"When is he not?" He asks.

"And Michael, this is Lily." he said gesturing towards me. "Luke and I met her when we were trying to get coffee from a neighbor. She was the only one who didnt refuse, can you believe some people?" Calum chuckles while walking over to the couch.

I also sit on the couch between Luke and Michael.

"It wasn't very hard to get her pants-less either" Calum added with a wink.

I hit him in the shoulder, "I never get company, I wasn't expecting two twenty year old males to show up at my door" I explained.


Two hours later I was hat-less and squished in a closet with 3 other males. Ashton had texted 5 minutes ago that he was in the elevator on the way up with his girlfriend. We were waiting to scare him when he came into his room.

Luke actually hadn't been acting like a complete jerk while I had been here but he was still not very fun to be around.

"Mikey can i have my hat back now?" I pouted, this was the fifth time i asked him since he took it.

"Okay, fine i guess you can have it now." He gave up as he put it back on my head.

We heard the door open and close so we held our breaths until we saw Ashton stumble in to the room with his girlfriend attached to his lips. I was a bit worried of what was to come next.

"Oh my god, what do we do i don't want to see this." I whisper yelled to Calum, panicking.

"I don't know, we've never gotten this far in a prank." He whispered back.

Ashton's pants were about to come off and that's where i decided to stop it. I got up and opened the door of the closet, scaring Ashton and his girlfriend. Luke, Calum, and Michael all got out afterwards and Ashton looked utterly confused at what just happened.

"surprise.." Michael said with no enthusiasm.

"Why were you guys in my closet?" Ashton asks putting his shirt back on.

"Okay, so we were going to scare you and it would've worked but something else started happening so we decided to get out instead of having to watch that." Calum explained

"Who is this?" Ashton asked pointing to me.

I felt extremely uncomfortable and couldn't find myself to answer the question so Luke answered for me.

"This is Lily, she's our- uh friend, i guess." He scratched the back of his neck.

I waved slightly at him and he smiled back.

"She is our friend, not i guess." Calum told Ashton as he elbowed Luke in the ribs.

"I think I should probably leave." I said, "It was really great of you having me here." I told them before rushing out of the apartment.

I was almost to the elevator when I heard someone say my name. I turned around and saw Luke walking towards me.

"Listen, Luke its alright I can just go home, i'd rather not bother you guys anymore anyways. It's kind of obvious you don't like me being here." I told him quietly, I was now back to acting like i usually do.

"No, Lily what happened back there was a misunderstanding and Ashton was just embarrassed I guess. " He said and for a moment be looked genuinely sorry.

I walked in the elevator as the doors finally opened.

"No, Luke it was a mistake coming here. And i'm sorry having me around is such a bother. Tell the rest I said Bye."

"Whatever, I'm glad you finally noticed how much of a bother you were. None of us wanted you around, we just felt bad for you." Every word of his was dripping with venom as his demeanor completely changed.

What he said actually got to me and before the doors could close a tear escaped. I didn't want to cry in front of Luke but what he said really hurt.

"Wait-" Luke tried to say before the elevator doors closed and I pressed the button to the lobby.

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