Chapter 2

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"What did you do?"

"I put a spell on you that opens your mind, so now, how do you feel about the prince?"

"He is so dreamy, I mean when you look at him in his demon form he is so hot.  When you see him in his human form he is equally as hot."

"Great, now do you want me to remove the spell?"

"Yes, I don't want the people I'm with to know what I'm thinking at all times."

"Ok, mens inpura,  unopen minds."

"OK, thank you. Now, never tell anyone what I've said here today, if they figure out that I'm not mean as hell then they might not fear me."

"oh you need not worry about me, I will not tell anyone about what has transpired here, but your admirer might figure it out."

"He will never figure it out"

"Honey, we need you in the throne room now, we'll need to fill both of you in on the mission. Katherine you're also needed in the throne room"

"Yes queen, we'll be right down."

"Katherine, you can call me Mrs. Rebecca"

"I know but your the queen and I feel it would be disrespectful to call you by your first name."

"OK, well darlig  your father went to go get Edward and he should be back by now, we should get going."

"OK then, let's go. You know Katherine, I think you have athourative issues adn that why you won't cal us by our first names."

"You might be right, wa wa wa wait, when did you become my therapist?"

"I've always been your therapist, but I've never been so blantatntly obvious about helping you."

"You know she has a point, your father was always hard on you about your manners so maybe thats why you don't want to call us by our first names. It's because we have a higher standing so you feel obligated to call us by our position."

"Um Queen, don't you think it's kind of odd that you just know what we're talking about without even hearing most of the conversation?"

"No, I have increased hearing and for that I can hear a lot more than the average person."

"oh, well were are we going because it's not the throne room?"

"We have to take a little detour."

"No, I'm leaving" Jacqueline put her hand up and vanished in a white cloud of smoke.

"Um, now that she left can we go back to the throne room?"

"No, because the detour was actually for you. You have been reserved about some parts in your life, and I'm here to fix that."

"Um.... I don't think that the Queen        should get involved in this."

But instead of Queen Rebecca's voice answering it was a girl named Scarlett who answered "Yeah, it would be kind of embarrassing if the queen got involved in your personal life." For about the last five words Scarlett walked up behind her and breathed on her neck.

"Yeah... Um... Really...  I'm sorry what was i saying?"

Before she spoke Scarlett put her hands on Katherine's shoulders so she could turn her around then she said "I think you were going to  say how embarrassing it would be for Queen Rebecca to get involved in your relationship life, so good thing me and Jacqueline had this all planed out and Queen Rebecca is none the wiser about your crushes" In almost a whisper she said "Especially the one you have on me"

"Shut up Scarlett"  Katherine put her hands on either side of Scarlett's  head and pulled her into a kiss.

Jack had been leaning against the door frame while watching the whole event transcribe, but when they kissed she turned around and went to the throne room smiling.

" Honey, what made you so happy?"

"Oh nothing, I just love when a plan comes together."

"Well I would ask what you're up to but I don't have time. The mission that your going on is going to start soon and you haven't been with humans in a very long time."

"But mother, I have changed just like the humans, I'm sure I'll fit right in when I go to carry out my mission."

"WILL YIU JUST LISTEN TO ME FOR ONCE?" After Queen Rebecca said that she turned around and smoothed her dress out "Sorry, but you always disregard what I say, and I am over it. Now go get your friends and tell them to stop fucking themselves in servant quarters."

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