Winter WonderLand - P.T 1

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With the winter snow coming soon to cover the ranch land, a coal black centaur shire with black hair and tail wakes up with a yawn. Looking down to his foster daughter, a white dapple centaur pony with grey hair and tail still soundly asleep, he covers her with his blanket as he gets up trying not to wake her up. Opening his stall door and closing it once out, he make is way to wake up a palomino, blonde haired/tailed centaur. Upon waking up the last Centaur (a blue roan mustang, with purple dyed hair /tail) in the stall, he goes to open the main barn door for everyone to trot out and get on with the daily chores. Making his way back to his stall he gets his tack and trots over to the main house where Rancher Nezu and his grandchild (Y/N) live. Seeing that (Y/N) is awake he hands (them/her/him) his tack to help put it on.

With his tack on and sled attached, he goes to collect fire wood for the winter season as he places some of the wood onto the sled. Shinsou (the blue roan Centaur) goes to collect the veggies and fruits in the green house. Eri (the white Dapple Centaur pony) wakes up with a stretch and bounds happily out the barn to (Y/N) following (them/her/him) to the bunny den to feed and collect the chicken eggs. Mic (the palomino Centaur) reaches his hand to Nezu lifting him up on to his back and trots to the main gate that leads into town. (Y/N) finishes collecting the chicken eggs and hands them to Eri to help carry. With a smile on her face she walks beside (Y/N) as (they/he/she) pet her head.

Making way into town Nezu notices that there is an auction going on, in the center of the crowd in the arena were wild centaurs being held by restraints. As soon as the bidding starts Nezu hears all the offers going higher and higher. Getting off Mic's back Nezu sends him to get what they will need before making his way towards the corral to see/hear the commotion.

" Well friends, looks like the first batch has got your attention, now as for the second batch I can tell now, these coming up ones are for the those of you who can still bid. And let me tell you these next ones come with a surprise!"

As the last Centaur leaves the bidding corral to their new owner the barn doors open and centaur pairs are pulled out two by two. Each of the paired centaurs are pulled apart as the bidding continues, only to go higher as the female centaurs are shown to be with child and the males to be strong for this season's winter.

As Nezu walks out the market he finds Mic by the bidding corral. Hoping back onto Mic's back, they notice that the centaurs in the corral are starting to become familiar.

"NOW MY FRIENDS, I have saved the best for last! For the those of you that have stayed I have have a few centaurs left. Now let me tell you, these ones coming up were hard to not only catch but that these ones were found deep within the high North-shore mountains where the water never dries out or freezes for the winter and spring never leaves. So with further a due, I present to you the NORTH-SHORE MOUNT. CENTAURS!!"
Gasps and a few chuckles are heard as only Midnight (a pure black Frisian centaur) and Endeavor (a flame chestnut centaur) come out.

-In auction barn-
As it was time for Hawk's heard to come out his mate Hazel is scared out of her mind of what could happen. Wrapping her tail with hawks tail as he cuddles and comforts her the best he can for safety and protectiveness (arms still in bounds as well).
Hearing the sobs and cries of the other couples that have been separated, and how high the offers are going, Hazel starts to feels baby hoof kicks with in her stomach. Realization hits her as she is almost due within her final 2 weeks. Keigo looks at her and gets up quickly to stand over her with his front legs bent down and hind legs still standing, in a protective manner nor daring to let anyone get near his mate and unborn child. He tries to comfort her, while looking up to the humans who are standing by the barn doors on both sides in hatred as they open them. Four men come up beside them and with strength as they manage to get Hawks out as two other humans lift Hazel up and lead her out close beside/hind him.

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