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Oh food, how I love thee. Can't live without it, either.

おなかすいた (onaka suita) / はらへった (hara hetta) = Hungry. Two ways to say this one. First one is more neutral, second is more casual.

食べます (tabemasu) = To Eat. Do you eat this? Yes I eat this.

食べません (tabemasen) = To Not Eat. Do you eat this? No I don't.

飲みます (nomimasu) = To Drink. Glug Glug.

飲みません (nomimasen) = To Not Drink. I don't drink beer, sorry.

水 (mizu) = Water. I drink water, instead, because that's how I roll.

飲み物 (nomimono) = Drink. Not the verb, but the noun. Please get me a drink.

食べ物 (tabemono) = Food. Need food? Any food?

美味しい (oishii) = Good Tasting. If something tastes nice (or if you want to be nice), you'd say this.

不味い (mazui) = Bad Tasting. I probably wouldn't ever say this, but just in case you need to let someone know...

レストラン (resutoran) = Restaurant. Now you need to figure out which one.

コンビニ (konbini) = Convenience Store. Great place to buy small things and food. Convenience Store food in Japan is pretty awesome.

スーパー (suupaa) = Super Market. If you need something a convenience store can't give you

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