Basic Verbs ♥

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Basic Verbs

Verbs will get you a long ways. You don't have to know much else as long as you know verbs, because verbs help you to get things done.

行きます (ikimasu) = To Go.

帰ります (kaerimasu) = To Return (home).

食べます (tabemasu) = To Eat. Nom nom nom.

します (shimasu) = To Do. This is the best verb ever.

見ます (mimasu) = To See. What is it you want to see?

買います (kaimasu) = To Buy. For all of you who like shopping.

待ちます (machimasu) = To Wait.

書きます (kakimasu) = To Write. Have people write the directions down!

止まります (tomarimasu) = To Stop.

教えます (oshiemasu) = To Teach. If you're a teacher in Japan.

話します (hanashimasu) To Speak

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