8~ Experiments

715 18 2

It was getting ready to sleep when the doors swung up and two guards came and dragged me out but before they did I slipped my phone into my back pocket. They took me down a couple floors to the basement. I hated it. I hated everything about this place.

They had sat me down in a metal chair and placed a metal headband around my head. Then they strapped me down. Ughhh this is so annoying. Just then he walked in.


God I hated him with everything I had .
He was so annoying, stubborn and mean. He needs to go see a doctor his brain is messed up.


When I was 9 they used to do a lot of experiments on me, atleast 3 to 4 times a day, and I hated it. Normally to guards would come and get me. But one day Rumlow did. I thought he was alone so I punched him in the face and dislocated his jaw. Honestly I was proud of myself. For a nine year old I was pretty strong. My victory was soon over when two guards walked into the cell. Great. I was so pi$$ed.

Not long after they stopped doing  experiment on me that often and it became more of a weekly thing. I stopped showing emotion after that. I kept to myself.
They soon injected me with a weird liquid. Everything went black.

I soon woke up to the buzzing of my phone. I didn't know how long I had been out. An hour. A day. I don't know but I took my phone out of my pocket, and saw so many messages. Last time I checked I only had 6 contacts.
•Jimmy boy
•Ned's gramie (she makes the best food)
•May (like a mum)

Jimmy boy

Jimmy boy
I've dealt with the two idiots
You d€ad
You must be asleep
I'm going to keep calling you Kid
Alright where the he!! Are you????
Please be ok
It's been 1 hour
2 hours
Are u OK???


Jimmy boy
Finally where have you been???
Are you safe
Are you OK
Are yo-

Chill dude I'm fine
I think.

Jimmy boy
You think
where are you I'm coming

I mean I'm fine
I'm just a bit ill that's all
I'll text later I gtg


Thanks for reading my story guys I tried really hard to make it funny but full of tension.
Thanks for the views and likes I really appreciate it
Hope you have or had a great day

Wherever you are Good night, good day or good morning

Bucky Barnes (Wrong Number)Where stories live. Discover now