3~ The Meeting

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Bucky's Pov
As I was walking into the meeting room tony and Sam were just staring at me I found it really weird but let it slip.

Nobody's pov
After everyone was in the meeting room Fury looked a bit angry
"Why'd you call us here Fury "Tony said sitting in the corner of the room.
"Well Stark turns out hydra is still out there" Fury announced
"But I thought we got rid of them a couple months ago" Steve said. Bucky tensed up. Wanda also seemed a bit sad.
"Where is their base" Nat spoke
"Not far from here" Fury said
"Well then let's go take it down, now" Bucky said.
"We cannot, until you all have trained and become stronger we need as many people as we can get. They have expanded their army. And the kids their experiment on are pretty powerful" Fury said
"We will get in a couple weeks of training, and then we attack, we need to get to them when they least expect it" Fury spoke.
"Well then let's go train" Steve said.

OMG guys this is so boring I might stop writing it barely anyone is reading this 😭

Good night, goodday or good morning

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