28~ Is she gonna be okay?

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Nobody's Pov

"Guys I need air," said Y/n as she was getting strangled in a hug by Bucky and Nat.

"Sorry, but we can't believe your save and here with us!" Nat exclaimed.

"Did HYDRA hurt you, I swear if they did-" a hand made contact with Bucky's shoulder. "They didn't get me I ran away, " Y/n said in a calm voice. Suddenly pain shot through her left shoulder, making her flinch, thankfully they didn't notice as they started hugging her again.

These pains would occasionally happen throughout the day. This started happening about a day after she got shot. She thinks it's probably because it's healing.

"Why didn't you come to find us," Nat said once again pulling away from the hug, along either Bucky.

"I thought you guys would have thought I  was working with them and probably hated me," She said looking down and fiddling with her hands "We don't hate you," Nat said shaking her head.

"Tony was able to hack into hydra and get info on you kid and...I know what they put you through so much, whenever you wanna talk, I'm here, alright?" Bucky said in a smooth, comforting voice.

A small tear rolled down Y/n's eye as she embraced Bucky in yet another hug. "Thanks, Buck" She whispered into his chest in a small voice. "Your welcome doll" he whispered into her ear in a comforting manner.

"Come on, let's go home," Nat said putting a hand on Y/n shoulder causing her to flinch, but this time Bucky did notice and he clenched his jaw knowing it was HYDRA's doing. He never understood the joy they got hurting small kids and experimenting on them.

They saw the hesitation in her eyes as she nodded her head and started making her way to the couch to grab her bag and heading for the door with the others.

Once they got outside, Sam locked the door to his house as he made his way to nats car (Probably Tony's) and got into the back with Y/n.

[Time skip]

They had just gotten to the Avengers compound and entered through the door, heading straight to the Lift. Reaching Y/n's floor they told her to go back to her room, which had been re-done after the break-in.

The trio then headed up to the meeting room where they found the Avengers all, either on their computers looking at security footage or on their phones making calls. It was honestly chaos.

"Guys!" Sam said trying to get their attention. "GUYS!" Bucky screamed making everyone snap their heads in his direction, a few Avengers ending their phone calls.

"Barnes you better have a good reason-" The billionaire gets interrupted.

"We found Y/n," Nat stated very calmly. They could see the relief in their eyes. It wasn't late until they got bombarded with questions.

"SHE IS IN HER DAMN ROOM PEOPLE" Sam yelled making everyone run into the lift.

"I have to program these damn things to go faster" Tony muttered as he was squished between Wanda and Steve in the lift.

"Honestly" Wanda muttered under her breath. As soon as they heard the ting of the lift they rushed out finding Y/n calmly sipping water near the kitchen sink with her back turned towards them.

Y/n's Pov
I had just put all the thing that I had with me in my backpack away and felt a bit dizzy so I decided to head to the kitchen to get a quick drink. I had only taken a few sips as I heard the lift ting showing that it had reached our floor.

Turning around I saw everyone staring at me some with tears in their eyes, some grinning. I shot them a smile as they began running towards me but before they could get to me black dots covered my vision as a wave of dizziness came upon me and the last thing I saw was Peter jumping through the window with a big smile which was wiped out as my head hit the counter and my glass slipped through out my hand.

Steves Pov
My eyes grew wide as I saw Y/n and that she was okay. But I soon realized how malnourished she looked. Her face was pale and she had bags under her eyes.

Bucky's Pov
God, I hated seeing her like this. Suddenly spider boy hopped through an open window smiling as Y/n's smile vanished and was replaced with a black expression. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as her glass slipped out of her hand and shattered at the same time her head met the edge of the counter. Her body fell limp on the floor as everyone rushed to her side. Everyone yelled out things but all I could see was blood slowly dripping down onto the floor beneath her. The voices around me became blurred out as my first instinct was to get Y/n some help.

"I'll get the lab ready" Bruce yelled running back into the lift. Tony checked her pulse as I ran after Bruce getting in the now empty lift.

Reaching the floor everyone was stressed out some crying, all I cared about was getting her to Bruce.

"Put her down on here" I did as Bruce instructed and laid her lifeless body down.

"Is she gonna be ok" I said with a voice crack. I was pushed out of the room by Tony. I ran past everyone and into my room. All I saw was red. Visions clouded my sight, all the blood. "No...no...noo...NOOOO" I screamed as all I saw was her blood on my clothes and her lifeless body flashing before my eyes. I fell onto the floor with a thud and cried.

Guess who's back
Back again
Heya hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope Y/n's okay but then again you never know do ya?

1010 Words

Wherever you are Goodnight, good day or good morning.

Hope you had or have a good day.

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