26~ The encounter

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Y/n's Pov
I had a day shift today meaning I would finish at around 4pm. I look up at the clock on the wall that read 3:30pm. I sighed, I really don't do much after work but walk around New York and then sleep on park benches.

My thoughts got interrupted when the bell on the door rang.

In walked someone I thought I wouldn't see for a while but also one of the people I was dreading to see. Sam. I growned as he sat near my usual window seat. I quickly ducked behind the counter as he almost looked my way. I looked to my left to where one of my co-workers, Jammie, walks through the door.

"What are you doing Y/n?" He asked as he acted like he was going to grab something and crouched down next to me.

"Just an old friend I've been hesitant to talk to" I whispered.

"Well have they ordered yet I could get their order instead of you" he said smiling.

"Yes please" I said with a thankful smile.

"But you have to talk to them at some point" he said with a smile.

"I know" I said sighing.

10 minutes later Sam was still sitting in his previous seat and was drinking a coffee.

"Just do it Y/n" I whispered to myself as I slowly stood up straight and started walking over to him while he was looking out the window looking.....worried.

"Hey Samual" I said barely enough for me to hear but somehow Sam heard and snapped his head in my firection and froze.

We stared at each other for 10 seconds until I spoke again.

"I'm so so sorry that I didn't tell you guys sooner but I mean how could I just tell the people that are the closest thing I have to... family that I was experienced on by an evil organization called HYDRA ....and that they failed their experiment,..... me, .....so they kicked me out and I had nowhere to go.... until I accidentally texted Bucky..... and he let me come with him..... and you guys.... let me stay and-....." I said. Somewhere between my rant Sam had stood up and come to hug me and I had tears running down my face and I was struggling to breath, at the verge of a panic attack.

"Hey, calm down, its fine" Sam said pulling away from the hug but still having both hands on my shoulder.

"We'll miss you soo, soooo much and we really want you to come back to us, Tony is going crazing and yelling at everyone and FRIDAY, oh the poor computer is so confused, I swear Steve's been eating so much chocolate and ice cream he's gained weight, and bucky looks like he hasn't slept for years" he said, surprisingly in just one breath.

Taking a deep breath in he continued
"Look kid, we've known ya for what 2 days and you already have everyone of us wrapped round ya pinky finger" I giggled through the tears.

"And hate to admit it but I miss having ya round and messin with me. Your like another sister to me, to all of us, and we need ya back" he said wiping my tears away.

"I can't everyone hates me" I said bowing my head like a kid in trouble.

"Course not, ya know how quite the compounds been since you went missing." He replied.

"They probably think im working eith HYDRA or something" I said ashamed.

"You know what if it makes you feel better, why don't you crash at my place for a day or two and we have a word with the rest after, I'll let them know that your with me so they'll stop worrying and that you need time. Sound good?" He said looking down at me with a smile.

"Yes" I smiled gratefully towards him.

"Let's go get your stuff and head out ya?" He asked as I simply nodded in response.

After I got my stuff we headed out of the Cafe. Walking down the cold pavement Sam noticed how cold I was and gave me his sweatshirt. I didn't argue and took it.

"Where you been hanging out" he asked

"Here and there" I replied.

"Any stuff you wanna pick up" he asked and I replied with a quite no.

And off we headed towards his apartment.

Sorry I haven't been posting a lot but I'm really out of ideas so I would really appreciate if you could possibly share some in the comments.

Wherever you are Goodnight, goodday or good morning. Hope you have or had a good day.

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