16~ Poor Samual

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Bucky's Pov
Nat, Wanda, Pietro, Peter, Thor, Clint and Scott just stood there watching everything go down.

Sam was now passed out on the floor looking like a dead chicken.

"Should we do something about him" Bucky said looking around.
"What happen?, and who's that?" Nat asked looking at Y/n

"I'm Y/n, nice to meet you" Y/n said
"Are you Bucky's friend that he's been texting" Clint asked

"Yeah" Y/n said.
"Is he dead" Thor asked

"No, but do you want to see what happend" Tony asked with a smirk on his face. Everybody nodded.

"FRIDAY play the footage please" Tony asked his AI.

(FRIDAY played the video)

Everyone was exploding with laughter. Once they had settled down Everone introduced them self.

"So Y/n tell us something about you" Pietro said with a thick accent.

"Well you already know my name, so I'm 14 and ran away from... home" Y/n said looking around the room at everyone.

"You wanna stay her at the tower with us kid" Scott asked Y/n

"If it's ok with you guys, I'd love that" She replied.

Everyone stared at Tony for a minute making the room fall silent. As he looked between the Avengers and Y/n, he finally spoke.

"As long as you don't come up with a plan to kill me" He said.

Everyone was really happy considering they had no idea who this girl was.

"I'll show you to your new room" Peter and Pietro offered.
"Thanks" Y/n said.

They walked up the stairs and disappeared around the corner.

"She seems nice" Nat said.
"And since she's staying her ill ask if she might want to train with me?" Nat said.
"Sounds great, now if you'll excuse me I'm off to get a well deserved nap" Tony said walking up the stairs.

Soon Everyone had gone their separate ways and forgot about poor Sam who was passed out behind the couch.

Hey guys thanks so much for reading my story I really appreciate it and hope you like it.

Wherever you are Goodnight, goodday or good morning.

Bucky Barnes (Wrong Number)Where stories live. Discover now