27~ Roommates

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Sam's Pov

The Avengers had gone crazy trying to find Y/n and here I was promising her that he wouldn't tell them about her whereabouts.The car ride had been very quite apart from the radio softly playing in the background. Once we finally got to my place we both got out of the car.

"So kid when are ya planning to let the others know where you are, their worried sick" I said trying to start conversation.

"I'm not sure, I mean they hate m-" She started

"No they don't" I said cutting her off.

Unlocking the front door I motion Y/n to walk in first. Stepping through the door she stands awkwardly to the side.

"Make yourself at home kid" I said locking the door behind me and tossing the keys onto the table.

"Do you want anything to eat or drink" I asked walking into the kitchen as she followed.

"Nah I'm good" She said tugging the sleeves of her work uniform.After having a quick drink of water I turned to Y/n.

"Do you want to borrow some clothes ya didn't seem to bring much with you" I asked.

"Yes please" She said as she walked over and sat on the couch. A few minutes later I walk down with a pair of sweats. I find Y/n fiddling with her nails.

"You can go change the bathrooms down the hall" I say handing the clothes to her.

A few moments later she walks out with the fresh pair of clothes and her work cloths in her hand.She came and sat beside me by the couch. We sat in a comfortable silence.

"When do you wanna go bac-" I started before I was interrupted but a knock at the door.

"Who's that?, where you expecting someone maybe?" Y/n asked as I shook my head as a response.

As I walk up to the door twisting the hand, peeking through I'm met with bucky and nat. I open the door wider for them to step in. As their eyes meet Y/n's they stop in their tracks doing nothing but stare.

"Y/n...." were the only words coming out of Bucky's mouth as him and Nat run to hug her.

Hey! Sorry for not updating for months but here's another chapter and I've also edited a few chapters. Is you have any ideas comment them.

Hope you have or had a good day.
Wherever you are Goodnight, goodday or good morning.

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