24~ Looking for a Job

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Bucky's Pov

I hadn't slept since last night, none of us have. Y/n's been missing ever since.

"Where could she be?!?!" Tony yelled slamming his hands onto the table in frustration.

"What if HYDRA got to her, her door is knocked down and the window was open" I said pacing around the meeting room.

"She could have jumped out and escaped" Wanda suggested.

"I hope so" Bruce said in a low voice.

Before anyone could say anything else, a friendly neighborhood spider man came in through the open window.

Stark rushed over to the boy and held him lightly by the shoulders.

"Have you seen her?" Tony asked Peter with a concerned expression plastered onto his face.

"No, she hasn't been responding to any of my texts and I can't track her, MJ and Ned couldn't get a hold of her, she hasn't been at school. I...I can't...find her" Peter said with tears in his eyes and his voice cracking.

Fury walked into the meeting room, taking his place at the head of the table.

"Stark, when we're you going to tell me you were hiding a young girl in the tower??" He said glaring at Stark

"Fury I was the one that brought her not him, and please can we not argue right now because we really need to find Y/n and we need to get to her before it's too late" I said trying to reason with the man.

"Barnes, correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't she one of their little experiments, and what if she was working undercover?" Fury said looking my way.

"She was not working undercover and I know that for a fact..." I said walking closer to the director, before Steve stepped in.

"Why don't we send some agents out to look for her and we would help?" Steve suggested.

"Mostly all my Agents are recovering from the break in and some of them were killed" Fury said

"I've sent out half the Avengers and they've been looking for her all night, but they haven't found anything" Stark said.

Y/n's Pov

Waking up my eyes meet the burning light of the sun. It takes me a second to adjust to it, before I take my surroundings in. The events of last night take over and fear builds up. Getting up i check the time on my phone before finding out its dead.

I look down at the now dried blood on my shirt. I bring my right hand to touch it and feel no pain. I moved my shirt to the left as I realized there was nothing there, maybe I can just heal really fast.

I walked out of the alley way and met with the crowded city of New York.

For the next half an hour I walked around New York until I found a quite little Café.

As I walked inside the Cafe, the bell ubove the door went off. First thing I notice walking in, is that the Cafe had a small bookshelf stacked with a few books. I walked over looking at the covers before I decided on reading It Ends With Us. I remember I saw Wanda reading it back at the tower.

I take a place near the window and sat down. I was only a couple pages in before a blonde walked up to my table.

"Hey, would you like to order anything" She asked softly, she had chocolate brown eyes and a apron with some flour on it.

"Um...could I please have some water?" I asked in a low voice, since my throat was quite dry.

"Sure" She smiled and walked off. A minute after she came and handed me the water in a clear glass.

Chugging down more than half of the water I turned to the blonde.

"How much do I owe you?" I asked.

"Nothing, tap water is free" She said with a sweet smile.

"Are u hungry, I'll could get you hot chocolate and a slice of cake...on the house" She said rather fast.

"Yes please" I said smiling.

After the blonde left I put the book down and went to find the bathroom.

After I found the bathroom I walked in and the first thing I noticed was how much of a mess I looked, I looked like I just escaped prison.

My brown wavy hair that went just above my but was now a tangled mess. I was still in my pj's that I had worn last night but they looked muddy due to me sleeping on the floor.

I quickly washed my hands and face and headed back to my table, just in time to meet with a certain blonde once again.

"Here you go" She said placing a plate down that had a slice of chocolate cake on it and some strawberries on the side, along with a mug filled with what looked like hot chocolate.

"Thank you so much..." I looked down onto the badge she was wearing with her name on it "...Sage" she smiles and then walked off.

A/N: It's around the start of December meaning it's still freezing outside.

After finishing my food I continue reading my book.

Looking up I see that the sun is beginning to set. Sage walks back to my table.

"Want me to take the plate and cup" She asked smiling down at me. I nodded, before I thought I would ask her something.

"Do you possibly think I could get a job here?" I asked her. I had to atleast have some money available, I would starve and I have no home, it's not like I could buy one anyway I am 14.

"Yes of course, actually I'm the manager of this place, it's also new and I'm also in desperate need of some help" She says with a small chuckle. " I'll get you a form" She smiles and walks off.

She comes back after a minute handing me a form and walks off to some customers that just walked in.

Name: Y/n Y/l/n
Age (must be 16+): ....

I was 14 but I had to get a job so I lied about my age.

Age: 16
Address: ......
Phone number: ### #### ### ##

(Some other boring stuff on a form)

After filling most of the form in, I walk over to sage at the counter giving it to her.

" thanks," She looks down at the form then back up " Y/n, could you start tomorrow maybe?"

"Sure" I said smiling then I walked off.

I guess I go to work now.

Sorry for the late update.

I really need help with more ideas, at this point I'm just going on bout random stuff that just comes to mind.
Hope your enjoying the book.

Hope you have or had a good day.

1110 works.

Wherever you are Goodnight, goodday or good morning.

Bucky Barnes (Wrong Number)Where stories live. Discover now