12~Black Motorbike

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Y/n's Pov
I had told bucky to not come but I guess he would. But I never told him where I was.Even if he did come I don't know what he looks like.

I soon started walking pretty far from the Cafe. I was exhausted. Then I saw a jet black motorbike round the corner. Cool. 

Bucky's Pov
I was searching the people on the street until my eyes landed on a girl who looked around 14 walking without a jacket on just a pair of blue trousers and a white top. I know her but don't remember how.

It was snowing and she had no jacket on. She must be freezing. I knew it was Y/n just by looking at her and she seemed to be staring at me, but looked away when I caught her.

I stopped the morterbike on the side of the road and got off, walking towards her. She looked exhausted and looked like she hadn't had a good night's rest in a while.

"Hey" I said
"Hi" She muttered while shivering
"Are you Y/n" I asked her.

Her eyes lit up.

"Your Bucky"she said surprised.
"Yeah" I said.
"It's freezing why don't you have a jacket" I asked
"Well I left mine at ....home" she said.
"Here take mine" I said softly and took it off handing it to her.
"I told you not to come"she said.

She sat down behind me and I passed her a spare helmet.We drove towards the Stark Tower.

Y/n's Pov

I quickly put on my helmet and sat behind him. I was scared. This was my first time I was on a motorbike. I held onto him really tight but not too tight.

Wow. I just realized the person I've been texting is The Winter Soldier I saw him once when I was younger. I saw him as he was leaving for a mission and he looked straight into my eyes and walked past, I was so confused towards who he was, I wanted to know. I'm such an idiot I should’ve known, but it's not like I know much about what goes on around me, all I do is go out for 6 hours and that's just for school. If I ever went anywhere else they would know, then I would come back and be trapped in that cell until it was time for school or I was being experimented on.

I just wish everything would be normal. I wanted to be normal. Have a normal life and not be a laboratory experiment.

I was soon snapped out of my thoughts by Bucky.

"We're here" He said as he got off the bike.

"This place is so cool and so big" I whisper to myself but I knew Bucky had heard.

"I know. Now let's go talk to Stark and see if he has a spare room for you to stay in." He said with slight excitement.

"Wait really?!?! You would let me stay here.......wait a second" my eyes lit up in excitement "that means I've been texting the avengers this whole time."

Bucky Chuckles. "Yeah " he says "by the way I was right, you are a kid" he says before walking off

"I am not!!" I say with my arms crossed and stomp my foot on the floor.

He let's out a small laugh and keeps walking. I don't want to get lost so I follow him and look around amazed.

Bucky turns to look at me and smiles.
These are a bit short but I guess it'll do. 😅

612 words

Wherever you are Goodnight, goodday or good morning

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