19~ Capsule 🛁

518 18 4

Y/n's Pov
I slowly opened my eyes to be met with the sun pouring into the room and blinding me. I soon adjusted to the light.

I looked around confused,not remembering anything and how I got into this place. I jolted up and out of bed.

The events of yestoday founded my mind.

Good morning Ms Y/n

"Thanks FRIDAY but please call me just Y/n" I said in a sleepy voice but more calmer than before.

Ok Y/n

I got up and walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth.

As I walked out FRIDAY spoke.

Y/n Mr Stark wants to speak to you

"Why does Tony want to speak to me?" I said completely confused.

I'm sorry Miss I don't know why but he asked me to call you to his lab.

"Ok I guess. Thank you FRIDAY" I said with a shrug.

I was just about to check the time on my phone when I saw a set of clothes layer out on the bench near the window.

There was a note on them.

I thought you might need some clothes.

I smiled to myself and took the clothes and walked into the bathroom and got changed. I came out and wore the same shoes from yestoday and walked downstairs.

I walked into the kitchen and there wasn't many people there just Nat and bucky, they were both laughing at something Nat had said. I found them two kinda cute together and wondered if they were dating.

"Good morning" I said as both heads turned towards me.

"Morning" they both said at the same time.

"You two are cute. You together?" I asked curious.

"What-no-we-uh-no we are-" nat and Bucky rambled on.

"Okayyy" I said walking and sitting on one of the chairs at the diner table. I grabbed an apple and started eating it.

"By the way thanks for the clothes nat!" I said with a smile.

"No problem, they look better on you" She said returning the smile.

"Where us everyone else?" I asked.

"Steve is gone on his morning run. Tony and Pepper went out for breakfast, and everyone else I think are sleeping." She replied.

As if on que Steve walked in sweaty, with a bottle of water in his hand.

"Hey" Bucky called out

"Hi" Steve said.

"How was your run?" Nat asked.

"Good" he said with a shrug.

Steve walked off into his room to shower and soon most of the Avengers were down for breakfast.

"Has anyone seen Sam?" I asked

"No" Pietro said

"He's probably asleep" Wanda said.

Just then, it was as if a lightbulb appeared on top of my head.

I quickly got up and started searching for some stuff.

"Yes!!!" I yelled as I found everything I needed.

I turned and saw all the avengers confused except Nat and Pietro who seemed to know where this was going.

"I'll be right back..... if I'm not dead" I said to them all as I ran up the stairs.

I reached Sam's room after going up a lot of stairs.

I slowly opened the door and peeked inside to see if he was awake or asleep.

To my luck, he was asleep and snoring really loud so I slowly walked over and took the pen out from the back of my jeans and drew on his face.

I asked FRIDAY to play WAP really loud in hid room.

He jolted out of bed and couldn't hear much.

"Sammy you look as beautiful as ever!" I said running out of his room. As I ran down the stairs I saw Steve running up the stairs with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE SAMUAL!!!!" He yelled as he was running to Sam's room.

I reached the kitchen and saw everyone looking at me.

"why is WAP playing" Clint asked eyeing me.

"Sam's taste in music is quite unique" I said trying not to laugh.

"Y/n, your face has gone red, are you ok?" Wanda asked.

"FRIDAY play the footage from Sam's room before he woke up" I said loud so FRIDAY could hear me.

"Ok Y/n" he said.

The video was showing Sam sleeping peacefully until Y/n crept in his room and drew on his face. Then she told FRIDAY to play Wap really loud in Sam's room. They also saw Steve run in with a towel wrapped around his waist running into Sam's room and yell at him.

Soon Everyone were laughing and Tony and Peper had come back too but they looked pretty confused.

Y/n told FEIDAY to play the video again and he did. By know everyone was laughing even harder and so were Peter and Tony.

Steve walked down, now fully dressed, dragging Sam along.

"Y/n!!!!" Steve yelled with a life talking glare.

"Steve... how lovely to see you again... not in a towel... half naked" I said while his glares drilled holes into my brain.

The three of us just stare at each other.

"Run" Bucky whispers loud enough for me to hear.

I run for it. Steve and Sam chase me. I can hear everyone laughing. 

I ran past many agents with Steve and Sam.

I had been running for about 8 minutes before I entered another random door, after closing it I found myself in a cinema room.

Damn. This place can not get any better can it.

I made sure to lock the door and started to explore the room.

If I had to I could stay here for quite some time. It had food, a toilet, more food, such comfy seats, movies and so many sweats.

Now all I have to do is make sure Steve or Sam don't find me for a while.

I should watch a movie. But which one?

The Maze Runner series.

I hadn't watched them in sooooo long. Last time I did was went I had snuck out of school with Mj and Ned to go to the Cinema.

I grabbed some popcorn and some sweets and put the first movie on.

I then went and sat on a seat right in the middle, for the best view.
Hey guys sorry I haven't updated the story for a while but here's another chapter.

Hope you had or have a good day

1074 words.

Wherever you are Goodnight, goodday or good morning.

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