5~ Y/n's story

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Y/n's Pov

I walked into school and saw a familiar face."MJ!!!!" I yelled trying to get her attention. She turned around and her face lit up like a light bulb.
"Heyyy!!!"She said running to me and giving me a hug.
"Hi"i said.
"Hey Y/n" Ned said from behind me making me jump.
"Gosh Ned stop scaring me like that" I said letting out a chuckle.
"Scaredy cat" Ned said laughing at me.

The Bell rang

"Have you guys seen Peter anywhere" I asked looking around.
"No, he might just be late" Ned said as we started walking to our next class, math.
"Yeah, sounds like our Pete" Mj said blushing.

A/n: In this story Pete and Mj aren't together yet.

Nobody's Pov

As everyone sat down in math class the teacher was about to speak when the doors swung open. Flash walked in with a smirk plastered on his face. Not long after Peter walked in too but with a purple eye.
"He pushed me down the stairs" Peter yelled out.
"Push is such a strong word I prefer to call it giving you a little nudge" Flash said calmly. Peter huffed in annoyance.
"What? You gonna call your little babysitter Tony Stark to come help you out" Flash said.
"That's enough both of you!!!" The teacher said looking between them both. "Flash detention after school".

Peter came and sat next to Ned."Your eye okay?" Ned whispered to Peter.
"Yeah" Peter said.

(School finished because I'm too lazy to write it)

Y/n's Pov

"Bye guys" I said while walking the opposite way of my friends. I didn't like school but I hated when it ended because I had to go back 'home'. I hated that place. They did experiments on me. It hurt a lot.

An hour later I got there,a tall building, the place I was abandoned at when I was just a baby. I don't know my parents. All I know is my age and birthday. Well atleast that was what it said on the note my parents left with me when they abandoned me. I really didn't know why they did that. Maybe they didn't want me? Maybe I just wasn't good enough? Well, guess I'll never know.

This was an organisation. Hydra. They did experiments on people no matter how old they were. They Didn't care if you died during the experiment they would just replace you without a second thought. They Didn't want anyone to know that they were still up and running and here in New York.

We -people they experiment on- have strict rules to follow.
1. A strict curfew, don't stay out after 6.
2. Don't tell anyone about them or what happens inside the building.
3. Don't gain attention from others. Or as they say 'Noone needs to know that you exist'. Blend in.
4. Do what we say.
And 5. You belong to us.
If they aren't followed we get punished.

They let the kids go to school as a way of trying to make them be somewhat normal.

If we want something we pay for it, like my phone I had to start a job and get money to buy it but when I had enough money I quit the job and bought a phone. The job didn't pay well but it was all I could do since at the time I was 11. Babysitting.

I walked in and went up an elevator to 8th floor. It looked decent. Not much furniture but doors that lead to different cells. Our bedrooms. I never really told MJ, Peter or Ned about this because I didn't want them to worry about me. But when I was here I was all alone. There was an empty cell next to mine but Noone was ever there to stay in it for long. My room was pretty plane all I had was a small bookshelf with a couple books a small bed which had a thin blanket over it and pillow, a small lamp and a small box full of the only few clothes I owned.

I have always wanted to get out of this place but it was impossible. Since it's the last hydra base, it was heavily guarded. They had your every move on camera. If you were asleep or awake or leaving or even coming back.

I hate this place but then again this is my fate.

I put quite a lot of effort into this chapter I really hope you like it.

773 words

Good night, good day or good morning.

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