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it was another day in gidle's dorm. shuhua was in her room laying down on her bed with haku and mata. it was a long day for shuhua with promotions and many other things to attend to for their recent comeback. shuhua sighed, burying her face into haku's fur. shuhua started to think about soojin and haku, coincidentally smelled like soojin.

unable to resist her curiosity on what soojin could be doing, she got up and went to go check on soojin. shuhua shuffled down the hall, the bottom of her pajama pants brushing the floor. shuhua made it to the front of soojin's door. taking a breath before knocking, she noticed the door was open.

shuhua pushed open the door more, peeking inside the room. she saw that the bathroom light that's connected to soojin's room on. she looked in the bathroom only to see that soojin also wasn't there also. shuhua sighed, turning off the bathroom light.

confused on where soojin could be, she exits out of soojin's room and went to the kitchen to see miyeon making a sandwich.

"miyeon unnie, do you know where soojin went? i don't see her in her room." shuhua's face drooped a bit.

miyeon turned around. "ah shuhua. did soojin not tell you? soojin went out to go see a friend of hers and i think is spending the night over as well with her friend."

shuhua, even more confused, furrowed her brows. "no, soojin didn't tell me anything about that.. well, thanks unnie." shuhua walked back towards her room, sulking.

shuhua started to feel upset. wondering who the friend was, she went on instagram to see if there was anything on soojin's story.

a purple circle was around soojin's profile.

shuhua tapped on it quickly, and after seeing what she saw she only got more upset and started to feel possessive. it was multiple stories of pictures of soojin and her friend and them hugging and her friend giving soojin a cheek kiss on one of them.

shuhua couldn't take in what she was seeing. shuhua knew it was only just a friend of soojin's, but she couldn't help but feel these feelings.

she angrily threw her phone across the bed and just sat there blankly. she definitely didn't like the fact that soojin was going to spend the night with that friend either.

usually, shuhua would sneak in soojin's room and sleep with soojin at night and sometimes soojin would come to join shuhua, but tonight it's only going to be her with haku and mata.

shuhua after a long while of convincing herself that soojin was just with a friend and only a friend, she killed time just watching a romance drama. shuhua couldn't help but keep thinking about soojin during it.

she kept kissing her arm, stuffed animal or occasionally haku or mata when they would jump on the bed for attention. at one point in the drama though, a certain.. scene came on.

shuhua started to feel a bit hot. shuhua shook her head, trying to get rid of the thoughts but the more she thought on them, she thought of soojin.

shuhua failed to get rid of the thoughts and the feeling took the best of her, so she decided to take action.

it was getting unbearable. it was late in the night anyways and almost all of the members were early sleepers, so she peeked out of her door to see if anyone was awake.


after checking and being sure that the members were asleep, she quietly closed her door and went back on her bed.

shuhua was hesitant on whether she should or not still, fumbling around with the band of her underwear.

"fuck it.." she let out.

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