s4 moments

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Diane: its all so great! you know its funny, because the last time i saw you you told me that you needed me in your life and then you just disappeared. so how do you think that makes me feel?

BoJack: i came back because i wanted to fix things, but now i dont know if i can.

todd: uh huh

Bojack: ive really been so lucky to have people in my life who care about me. i don't deserve them i defiantly don't deserve a friend as amazing and generous and forgiving and thoughtful

todd: yeah.

BoJack: channing tatum

todd: oh.

BoJack: im only gonna hurt him like I've hurt everyone else.

todd: bojack i gotta tell you.... um .... Hollyhock is you daughter

BoJack: what do you mean?

todd: shes your daughter

BoJack: i don't understand

todd: she has horseman DNA.

BoJack: what does that mean

todd: you're her father

BoJack: impossible im bojack

todd: look, she didn't want me to tell you but i thought you should know

BoJack: i guess i dont blame her. i wouldn't want to be my daughter either.

todd: BoJack...

BoJack: i mean look what i do to the people im supposed to care about. i had sex with the one person ive ever seen you be in love with.

todd: i guess they're not gonna put you in the best friends hall of fame, but i don't know that i loved her. you know i don't think im allowed to be in love

BoJack: don't say that. you do so much for everybody and all you ask for was a roof over your head and the occasional s'more and a baguette

todd: im telling you its a million-dollar idea

BoJack: i got more of you than i ever deserved if you never talk to me again. i just want you to know that i appreciate it, and i appreciate you.

todd: thanks..
BoJacks mom: you'll only embarrass yourself as in every other endeavour you pursue.

hollyhock: i really don't think she knows who you are

BoJack: oh she knows. this is just like when she pretended not to recognize me after my shaky choir solo in eighth grade. i had to get a ride home with pianist who liked to tickle a lot more than just the ivory's. when i made it home unscathed she said 'huh, i guess no one wants you'.

BoJack Thoughts: piece of shit. stupid piece of shit. you're a real stupid piece of shit. but i know im a piece of shit. that at least makes me better than all the other pieces of shit who don't know thier pieces of shit. or is it worse? breakfast. oh i don't deserve breakfast. shut up. don't feel sorry for yourself, get breakfast. you stupid fat ass. these are cookies. this is not breakfast. you are eating cookies. stop it. stop eating cookies and go make yourself breakfast. stop it. don't eat one more cookie. put that cookie down. do not eat that cookie. i cant believe you ate that cookie.

BoJack Thoughts: i don't want her getting her grubby hands all over everything. shes not grubby shes your daughter. you piece of garbage. you're a piece of garbage. a real shitty piece of garbage.

BoJack Thoughts: shit their all looking at you. say something dumb dumb. open your idiot dumb ass mouth.

BoJack Thoughts: what are they talking about right now? probably you and what a dumb pice of trash you are, you fat sack of idiot. why don't you do the world a favour and swerve into oncoming traffic? no. you don't deserve to die young. only the greats die young. oh now you think you're young all of a sudden?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2022 ⏰

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