s2 moments

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princess caroline: you only want kelsey to like you because shes cold and distant. anytime someone tries to love you, you push them away.

BoJack: what? no, you're stupid, dont be such a stupid idiot, todd.

kelsey: can we have a conversation that isnt about you? i don't know why you need me to like you so much.

BoJack: wha-?

ana: everyone here loves you. do you feel that? feel that energy

BoJack: they dont love me. they dont even know me

turtletop: thats why they love you. shmuck

ana: thats right. our research shows people like to *think* they know you, and then they like learning more about you but at a certain point where they pass a threshold where they acctually know you and then they find you weird and off putting.

BoJack: are you saying nobody who really knows me could ever love me

BoJack: okay well heres a suggestion your name is Todd. you're 24, you live on my couch and you've always seen the good in me somehow. and now youve been brain washed to think you belong here but you don't, you belong back home.

BoJack: i remember when you said that "i dont have anywhere else to go" because i felt good about myself. and i don't feel that way a lot.

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