The Error Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I wake up to My alarm. I press the snooze button not ready for a tedious day of school. I pull on a t-shirt, some black leggings and throw on my maroon hoodie. I walked over to my desk and grabbed my homework from yesterday and half-heartedly put the papers in my bag except for my presentation for ELA. I carefully set that in my bag not wanting to do hours of work I spent on it to go to waste. I brushed my teeth and pulled my red curly hair into a ponytail. I walked downstairs to see my mom sitting there.

"morning Lia" my mom said in her usual excited tone.

"Morning mom," I responded, "Are you ready for your presentation?" she asked.

"as ready as I'll ever be. I say my mom chuckled. My name is Ophelia but I prefer to go by Lia. I made some Breakfast (peanut butter toast) and headed out to my bus stop. I got on and went to my seat and started reading my book.

"Aww does the poor little girl have no real friends she has to make them up" I hear a familiar voice say I look up and see sitting in the seat across from me Chloe and her little gang of Princesses from hell I ignore them and turned my attention back on my book they laughed at me. Luckily they went back to their seats when the bus started moving. I mean I guess they were right. I had no friends, only the ones I make up or read about but I didn't care they couldn't hurt me like real people could book charters don't backstab or riddlecule you. I was in 8th grade at a middle school in Minnesota. Once we got to school I headed for my first period accelerated math a course Chloe and her little gang couldn't get into.

"good morning Ophelia!" my math teachers said I smiled and headed to my seat. 1st period went by fast and so did second (choir) then ELA witch took up both 3 and 4 period I took my seat. That's when it happened I started to zone out.

"oh no not again" I say under my breath I see a scene we are in the classroom and a boy with olive skin brown hair and gray eyes stood at the front of the class out teacher Mrs.Celey was saying something but I was not sure what she was saying I was snapped out of my daze by the bell I guess I forgot to mention that I see little visions of the futcher and and incredibly good at predicting but I zone out whenever it happens I am.

afraid to tell anyone so I keep it a secret my ELA Teacher walked up to the front of the class with the same boy from my vision.

"Hello class today we have someone who will be joining out class this is Ezekiel. Please treat him with respect. Now Ezekiel you can go and sit by Ophelia. Ophelia raise your hand please" Mrs.Celey said I put my hand in the air and the boy started walking over we locked eyes it looked like he was studding me I looked away and he sat down I kept my eyes trained on my desk as I fiddled with my pencil.

"alrighty Ophelia I believe you have a presentation for us" my Teacher asked I nodded reaching into my bag and took out my project I presented and the only reason I got a 98% was because I wasn't loud enough after presentations witch took all of 3 period the bell rang and Mrs.Celey said that we could take a bathroom break. I pulled out my book. I looked to see Ezekiel staring off into space, his eyes filled with fear, his facing going pale. I shook him lighting sending a shock down my arm I could tell he felt it as well.

"sorry" he muttered, meeting my eye line his eyes changed color from a stormy grey to a brown with specials of red he looked away. Mrs.Celey called him back so i was left by myself. He came back when the bell rang but we did not make eye contact of talk for the rest of the lesson once the bell rang I quickly made my was to social studies we were learning about greek mythology witch was my favorite once I got there and set my stuff down Ezekiel came in if was weird it felt like the room changed when he walked in but event with Ezekiel the class flew by and before I knew it was time from lunch I ate and went out for recces I was reading my book when someone ripped it out of my hand of course it was Chloe and her little gang.

"give it back" I whisper she started flipping through the pages.

"aww poor little Ophelia no friends" she taunted.

"give it back" I say a little louder.

"oh look she can talk" Chloe said she picked up my book and was about to throw it in a puddle but someone grabbed her wrist and took my book out od her hand figures it was ezekiel "aww did Ophelia find a freaky little friend well at least he's not fictional" chloe said then stormed off Ezekiel handed me my book.

"thank you" I said softly I was hoping he would leave but he sat next to me.

"you shouldn't let them talk to you that way" he said his voice was deeper than most buy my age.

"I'm use to it by this point" I respond honestly.

"I'm zeke by the way" he said extending his hand.

"Ophelia" I say and took his hand it sent a shock up my arm Zeke smiled.

"figured" he mumbled.

"I'm sorry?" I asked he smiled mischievously I furrowed my brows his smile faded a little.

"Oh my you haven't figured it out" he said in shock.

"I'm not sure what you mean?" I said confused.

"Come on put 2 and 2 together" he said.

"Excuse me!" I said getting angry I went to get up but he grabbed my arm.

"Look Ophelia please" he begged something told me me was not trying to be mean so I sat down.

"I know what you con do" he said in a hushed voice I felt the color drain from my face I clenched my fists.

"I have no clue wha-" but I stopped myself thinking back to ela when he froze he smiled.

"Figure it out yet princess?" he asked.

"First of all call me princess again I will kill you and you have them too?" I asked feeling a great weight lift out of my stomach I was not the only one who saw the future.

"are there others like us?" I asked getting exited but Zeke shook his head.

"not exactly" he responded I furrowed my eyebrows "Ophelia I mean Lea I recognized you the moment I saw you you I'm not sure from where but I think from when we were younger we got out somehow but they already found me that's why I'm here they drove me out Lea I'm not safe and neither are you they will find us Lea and they are not afraid to kill" He said.

Thank you guys so much for reading the first part of my story! It means so much to me you even took the time to pick up my story. I am newer to the world of writing and it is amazing to see that people are reading my work! Please feel free to share opinions in the comments I would love to hear your opinions on my story. Thank you again Have a great day!

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