Chapter 15: Breaking something is easy, healing is different.

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Techno rushes around his room, mixing liquids, reading books, anything.

Tommy stays motionless in the middle of the room.

"Don't worry Tommy, I'll help you..." Techno says, still half-hoping for a reply.

Tommy says nothing.

Then, something important pops into Techno's mind, something that he can't believe he forgot.

Tommy's a demigod!

He ran out of the door, not without Tommy of course, and ran for the only place he knew that could help.

Tommy's father, Poseidon.

The crunch of the sand was nostalgic, but not in a good way right now.

"POSEIDON!" Techno yelled with pain in his voice, shaking the oceans, but he didn't reply.

"POSEIDON PLEASE! IT'S TOMMY!" Techno yelled, then he stopped breathing to make sure what he was hearing was right.  

The oceans raged, seeming angry, no, It was angry. 

Then, to what it seemed to Techno, Poseidon materialized right out of the water.

Poseidon walked quickly up to Techno, without question, Techno handed Tommy to him.

Poseidon looks down at his dead son and wipes the hair out of Tommy's eyes.

He then turned and Poseidon walked into the ocean with Tommy, disappearing the same way he came.

Techno knew he shouldn't stay there longer. Tommy's fate was now in Poseidon's hands now.

It was all up to him now.

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