12 - Unexpectedly...

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The Talent Show is in a week...we've practiced our butts off. It was fun but...It didn't feel the same..Without JB, it's not as fun. There's always someone scolding me T-T but he's not here. I wonder what JB is going to do for his performance.

"Let's do it again!" JR said

"Come on guys!" I said

Youngjae played Stop stop it, our song. We all started to move in our positions.


"Ugh, who is it?" Mark said

The door opened. My eyes widened. I smiled as I saw JB walking in the room.


"Aniyo, just visiting" JB said

My smile flipped upside down.

"Wae? Bro, we're a team! Come on! Please reconsider!" I pleaded until Mark smacked my head

"It's his choice...plus what are you doing here?" Mark asked

"I said...I'm visiting" JB said

"Well we don't need you to visit us" Mark said

"What? Are you still upset over the rejection?" JB asked


"HUUHHHH?!?!?!?!?!!!!!" Everyone exclaimed

"Mwoh? I should say the same thing back to you" Mark said

"Wait wait wait! Hold up! What rejection? Both of you? Mwoh?" I said

Mark glared while JB smiled...Okay..I'm sensing a little hate around there. This...is getting creepy..

"You know nothing Mark...if only if you knew...." JB said then whispered something in Mark's ear


"What is that suppose to me-" Mark asked

"Got to go practice! Annyeong! Keep up the good work guys" JB said then left

"What did he say?" Bambam asked

"Who cares!! Continue practicing!" Mark shouted

He sounds mad....what did JB say?


Practice finished and I went home...


"You know nothing Mark...if only if you knew...." JB said walking towards me

"If Hyomi truly rejected me.." JB whispered in my ear


Tch...what's that suppose to mean? I definitely heard the rejection...what does he mean if Hyomi "truly" rejected him...Is he trying to say she accepted him? Mwoh? HYOMI...accepted JB? and Not Me? Mwoh? Wait...Aissssh!! So confusing. What's going on? Did Hyomi accept JB or rejected him? Is JB lying? Why isn't he competing with us...and going solo for this competition?

Ayee..think about this tomorrow..so stressful. Going to sleep.


Crap! I'm late. Shoot...how am I going to explain this to Semi?? She's going to rage...I made her wait...I ran to class and open the door.

"Oi Mark! You're-" Mr Yoon said

"Late! I know Sir" I said as I rushed to my seat

Phew...luckily today, Semi isn't here. That would of been bad if she was here today. I would have to apologize so much. So tired...I yawned and folded my arms onto the table to sleep on.

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