13 - Discussion

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"I made a deal with my father.." I said

Hyomi looked at me confusingly

"That deal was....to win the talent contest...otherwise..I'll move to The States" I said

As expected, she looked at me with shock

"M-Mwoh? Move to The States? Wae?" Hyomi asked

"Because..." I said


"Dinner time" Omma said

I ran out of my room and went to the dining room.

"Jaebum, once you're done with high school this year, we're going to move to The States" Appa said reading his newspaper

"Mwoh?" I said confusingly

"Y-Yah..We agreed to him that we'll tell him during his last term of high school" Omma mumbled to Appa

"The States? Waeyo?" I asked as I sat down at the table

"You're going to study abroad" Appa said

My eyes widened. I slammed the table.

"B-But my dream-I have a career! I'm an Idol Appa-" I said

"Mianhe Jaebum-ah but...Do this for us?" Omma said holding my hand

I knocked her hand off. I ran back inside my room and locked it.


"Wae? Do you know why??" Hyomi asked

"He said to study abroad...but I think there's more" I said

Hyomi frowned

"See? I told you...you'll get sad" I said

"Then why the talent show?" Hyomi asked

"Huh?" I said

"Why did you make the deal? The talent show one? Why couldn't it be something else?" Hyomi asked

"I did say other deals but he didn't accept them...So when I mentioned the talent show.." I said


"Appa! I decided to have a deal with you" I said

"What deal is it now?" Appa asked

"I have a talent contest coming up" I said

"Mmhmm....And?" Appa asked

"I made it. I got into the Talent Contest" I said

"Well good job son!-So what's the deal?" Appa asked

"If I win, I get to stay...If I lose, I'll go to The States with you" I said

"Repeat what you said" Appa said

"If I win, I get to stay-" I said until I saw Appa standing up and punched me across the face

I fell to the floor and spat out blood.

"Y-Yeobo! What are you doing?!" Omma exclaimed

"Stupid Deal. Of course you'll win! You talented dimwit" Appa said

"Jaebum, kwenchana?" Omma asked

I tapped my Omma's shoulders...reassuring her that I'm fine. I stood up.

"But...my friends are also participating" I said

"So?" Appa said

"They're good as well. Very good...so I have a chance of losing" I said

Twisted [GOT7 Mark FanFic]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin