We might be broken by design

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Sanemi is the first to wake.

It’s morning. A glance at the clock tells him it’s almost nine. Much later than he usually wakes up, but Sanemi supposes it’s only natural given the night he just endured.

He swallows. Licks his lips. There’s an acrid taste in his mouth, and briefly he contemplates taking a trip to the kitchen for a glass of water to flush it away.

He doesn’t get very far. The moment he raises himself up on one elbow, Sanemi spots a streak of black on the pillow beside him and realizes he’s not the only one in his bed.

The memories hit him harder than a train. Harder than a thousand trains, running him through clean as a sword.

He brought Giyuu home. Giyuu made eyes at him all night, kissed him in an empty bathroom, and Sanemi took him home. Took him home, then pressed him into a wall and fucked him there, speaking his secrets to life and stealing Giyuu’s in return.

And now he’s in his bed.

He’d wanted to take Giyuu out at least once before fucking him for real, but clearly that wasn’t where they ended up. Sanemi could ask today, after he wakes up. If Giyuu doesn’t say yes now, Sanemi figures he never will. He already took the dive; all that’s left it to resurface.

It’s been a long time since Sanemi’s had someone in his bed, even longer since it was someone he cared about.

Giyuu’s facing him, turned half on his stomach and half on his side, one arm curled under the pillow and the other tucked into his chest. He’s got the covers pulled up to his chin, melded into them like they’re his own, hair strewn out in waves over the pillowcase. A lock of it falls across his forehead, obscuring one of his eyes.

Sanemi’s reaching out to brush it away before he can think about it. At the touch, lighter than a hummingbird’s wing, Giyuu’s brow twitches and Sanemi feels his breath stall. Giyuu sighs, a heavier exhale than before, and turns his cheek deeper into the pillow. It’s the beginnings of coming awake, but for now his eyes remain closed.

In the lull, Sanemi lets the events of last night come back to him, deviating from a dream-like trance to become reality.

After coming, Giyuu had all but passed out, hand going limp underneath Sanemi’s own. He slumped forward, lost to the world, and let Sanemi use him in his own race to the finish. Seeing that Giyuu was in absolutely no shape to clean himself out if he came inside, Sanemi pulled out last second to release in spurts over his ass instead. It was a timing he’d learned to perfect through shooting porn, one he never imagined would come in handy outside the job. But alas.

When he finally dug himself out of the smoky pleasure of orgasm, Sanemi found Giyuu half-recovered, body stirring where he’d fucked it flat to the wall. He could hardly stand, wobbling around on liquid knees until Sanemi locked an arm around his waist to support him. Giyuu murmured his thanks, hair a mess where it brushed Sanemi’s bare shoulder, chin lolling down and snapping up again as he fought against sleep in the middle of the hallway.

Sanemi raised his head. He looked up the hall, towards his bedroom, then down the hall, towards the front door. Braced against him, Giyuu snuffled, scrubbing at his face with his hand, and Sanemi turned towards the bedroom. In his current state it would’ve been inhumane to kick Giyuu out, and it was no trouble letting him stay the night. The consequences of doing so were lost to Sanemi, who thought only of making it to the comfort of his bed and knocking out.

On their way over, Sanemi had half a mind to pick up their scattered clothes and throw them over the top of his dresser. He snagged a box of tissues and, throwing it in Giyuu’s general direction, told him to clean himself up before lying down. Without checking if he did or not, Sanemi wrestled his underwear back on, moved onto the other side of the bed, and collapsed into his mattress. It was lights out before he hit the pillow.

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