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"Sir plz come out we reached" driver said who is standing opening the door

Sid nodded and come out the view was beautiful It's a Villa sid move inside and shock seeing the senerio around him it's look like the most rich man invite him

"Who is the owner here?" Sid asked to the guards who were guiding him

"U will get to know soon" guard said they are standing in hall which is cover with darkness sid saw there is no one around him he was about to say something but then darkness left and lights turn on the inside view is very beautiful and shocking too sid look around he never saw this much beautiful villa

"Welcome Siddharth nigam" a voice came


His heart stop beating seeing the personality standing infront of him

The man move towards him his body is shaking and eyes not believing the view he rub his eyes several times but still he can't able to believe

"U ..a..re trillioaire " sid said

"Ahaa not a TRILLIONAIRE I'm father of a girl whom u never considered as ur love whom u give place of lower class and never thought if she is hurt from ur actions or talks she try to show u the mirror but no u believe at ur cheap thinking don't middle class people have heart , don't they have feelings , can't they love? Are they born just to fulfil rich people's need and if u still think that then in my eyes u are low from lower class people too" the man almost shout at him he look down

"Mr.Aman I'm sorry for whatever i did i really feel guilty and hell angry on myself i want to die but no i will be alive with all the pain and spend a life where is only regret and anger of losing the presious girl of this world I'm feeling shame on this thinking which not only me but thousands of people have and i was one of them but not anymore and I'm happy as well as sad for this that i realize it too late when the person whom i want show i wanted to prove is no more" sid said breaking into tears and falling on his knees

"Who said that" a sweet familiar voice came his heart again stop for a moment he raise his head to look up and saw


"A...v..neet u ...u are alive U ARE ALIVE LOVE I MISS U SO MUCH I LOVE U SOO MUCH I WILL NEVER LEAVE U AGAIN AND U WILL NEVER GO ANYWHERE WITHOUT ME GOT IT" Sid said hugging her tightly and shouting in Happiness

"Yes master" she said and chuckled

"B..ut how i mean...that plane crash and ..." Sid is cut off by avni

"Clam down i will tell u everything let's sit " avni said

Sidneet sit on couch and AD on his king size sofa

"So let's start" avni said



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