Fourth Solve

4 1 0

Then came my fourth solve. There was nothing special about the scramble, but mid-solve, the cube accidentally slipped from my hands for a small amount of time due to my nervousness from having everyone intently observing my solving.

I finished the solve and stopped the timer slightly angrily, and got a time of 6.29 seconds.

“Dang it! The next, and last, solve has to be good if I want any records. This is my only chance,” I thought.

The way an average of five works is the best and worst time are taken out, and the three remaining times are averaged.

So far, I have 5.22, 5.11, 4.62 and 6.29. If the next solve stays within that range, I won’t beat the world-record average.

However, it isn’t impossible for me to best it if I get a solve quicker than 4.62, but that would require a miracle on the last solve.

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