Chapter Five

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With our backpacks packed, ready and in our hands we made our way to the garage to get our bikes out. We rode out of the yard after we closed the garage door and made our way in to the open streets.                                                                            My brother had a tennis ball, a soccer ball and the frisbee in his backpack for us to play with for when we get to the park. And in my own little blue bag I was carrying two lunchboxes with the few sandwiches that my mom made along with some extra snacks I took out from the food cupboard, and a few drinks for in case we get thirsty.

Conner closed the gate and went off with me right behind him. I followed my brother through the streets as we rode all the way to the park.                                                                                                                                               At least the park wasn't that far from our house so it didn't take that long to get there. But it was still far enough for me to get lost, so Conner was the only one between the two of us to actually know how to actually get to the park. And my mom always said it is too dangerous for a twelve year old girl to go that far from the house without someone looking after her.                                             

We have been riding along the sidewalks and turning in a few street for a while before the entrance to the park came in to view.                                                                                                                                                                We stopped by the gate and climbed off of our bikes and carried them in. "That looks like a really great spot." My brother said as he pointed to a nice tree close by.                                                                                                        The tree was big so it gave plenty of shade. "We can put our stuff down over there." Conner told me as we made our way there. We carried our bike to the tree and leaned them on the bark. I placed my bag by on the grass, leaning it against the tree right next to my bike.                                                                                                       My brother pulled off his own bag and put it on the ground next to his bike. "What do you want to play first?" He asked as he rummaged through the bag. He took out the frisbee along with the small green tennis ball and the black and white soccer ball and place them in front of him. "Why don't we kick the soccer ball around for a bit?" I suggested with a shrug. "The soccer ball it is." Conner said while he picked up the tennis ball and the frisbee and put it back in his bag.                                                                                                                   He picked up the soccer ball and tossed it to me. "You can start." With a smile I dropped the ball and kicked it to him. Conner stopped the ball with his foot and kicked it right back.

For a while we have been kicking the ball back and forth to each other. First my brother to me and then me kicking it back to my brother.                                                                                                                                               The ball came to me and I picked it up. When I kicked it the ball rolled back to Conner and he picked it up and made his way to me. ”You don't mind us stopping for a minute, do you?" He asked as he came closer. "I just want to run to the rest rooms really quickly." He stopped in front of me. "I really need to go."                   "No problem, brother." I told him with a bright smile. "Awesome, don't go too far alright." He said as he handed me the ball. "I won't, don't worry." I called out to him as he made his way over the small hill to the restroom. I dropped the ball on the ground and started kicking around on my own close to our bikes and bags as I waited for him to return.

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