July 20th

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It had been several days since Elizabeth McGarrett had gotten home to Hawaii from her time over in Afghanistan. She was told that there would be an investigation into what happened during her case there. She was also given a welcome home party from the whole 5-0 team at the McGarrett house. She didn't exactly feel like she deserved it after everything that happened. 

After a few days had passed and so had the investigation on Afghanistan. Elizabeth was  up and sitting in her soft chair that was in a corner of her room. She was staying in her old room in the McGarrett house. She pulled out her new black leather journal and placed it in her lap. Her plan was to write what happened to her and the case. She thought sitting in her chair was better than sitting in her bed. Her dad had given her the idea to start a journal while she was there, as a way to heal. "So here I go, '' she says to herself as she opens her brand new journal and set of pens. She writes the date on the first page in the top right corner, which is July 20th.

She sat there for a few minute staring into the corner just thinking about where the best place to start. Soon she came to a conclusion. She would write starting the day before she left. She hated the idea of writing about it. She was also thinking about the investigation.

"The day before went a little something like this." she thought to herself before she started to write down "the events are written to the best of my knowledge" she wrote at the top of the page. She was trying to remember what happened. "It was a hard day, I didn't feel like doing anything. I was a little nervous but also a little bit excited. My spirit was a little down." she wrote as she remembered how her best friend came to her with a coffee and a big smile.  She knew it would take her a while to finish the writing and it didn't have to be done all at once.

She wrote up to the point where her best friend brought her coffee to try to cheer her up. She also added that it was Callen who drove her to the Navy Base and to the airplane. She wrote about how she felt at the time as it was how she was feeling right then. It was all she could write without feeling like she made a mistake.

She put her book and pen down on the closest table to her before she got up. It took her a couple of minutes to breath before she finally got dressed. She headed downstairs to go for a run at about 6:30 that morning (I know, some people don't get up this early unless they have school). She went running and then to the gym. She thought that if she could at least do that, her day might be a little bit better than yesturday.

After all that happened she seemed more ready and happy for the day. She headed home to check on her laptop to see if they had any new cases. Cause She's not supposed to go in, but who needs to know that. She went home and went straight to her room and got on her computer doing just that. She also picked up a notebook and quickly added something to the back.

"So one of the best parts of being in her position, in life, is traveling. You don't have to wait in long lines of people or having to wait for your flight, or having the security guys check your bags and almost miss your flight, or having to buy your snacks there at the airport or having to go without cause everything is way too expensive. In other words, I get to skip all of that, want to know why? Because I get to have the navy fly her home, and that is a privilege for any of us (N.C.I.S. Agents.)" She wrote in the back of the notebook thinking it would be important for her journal at some point. She then wrote more in her journal before writing

"The flight was long, and I mean long. I don't feel like seeing how long the flight was with no stops. Not to mention there was nothing to do except think or sleep or read. The one thing I did on that plane out of the three options was to think. All I could think about was Afghanistan and what I thought it was going to be like." she wrote down in that days entry.

"The short story of that whole trip is this. I was
sent to Afghanistan by myself on a top-secret mission with the CIA to kill a guy who went by the name ghost (I don't know exactly how he got the name, just that he was called that). When I got there, to Afghanistan I went straight to the camp and got ready for the mission. We all worked together on gathering intell and waited a long time (about a couple of months) to get the go sign. A while later we did get the go sign and I went to a hill that was overlooking his group and had a good shot at him and couldn't. The guy I was supposed to kill was my best friend's ex-fiancé, I didn't shoot him. A little bit later I went to take another shot at him and got caught by the Taliban and the rest is hellish history, that I don't like to talk about. It was hell, I mean literal hell being held by them. Unfortunatly I learned more about the ghost as he tried to save me and he told me himself. When the plane landed, I was really happy to be back on Honolulu ground. When I finally got off the plane, the first person I saw was my dad, Commander Steve McGarrett. I noticed that he wasn't alone, he was with all of his 5-0 teammates. They had come all that way to be there, I mean, they were there to show their support, and that was amazing of them to do that, but they didn't have to. There was an investigation and I was finally cleared to work again. I was told I had to take a couple of weeks off for recovery time." She decided it would be best to give a quick summary today. She will write in  more detail when she feels ready to.

Her dad knocked on the door and walked in to her room. She could tell that her dad was worried about her. "Hey" Steve said in a sweet voice "Just wondering if you would like to help with a case" He said as he saw Elizabeth's face brighten up a little bit when he said that. Steve could tell that it would take a couple of minutes before she would be ready.

"I would love to help you with a case" Elizabeth put everything down and got up looking at her outfit "Give me a couple minutes and I'll get ready to go" She said going to take a quick shower before getting ready to go. She took a quick shower and put on a cute outfit. Jeans, brown ankle boots with a few belts on it, a light purple sleeveless blouse, and some jewelry. She pulled her long brown hair up in a french braid.

Steve was down stairs in the living room waiting for his daughter to finish getting ready. He was given special permission to let Elizabeth work with him while she was there in Hawaii. Steve thought that having her be able to do something with him and the team would cheer her up and help her heal. He knew there would be some things that would never heal.

Elizabeth walked down the stairs all ready to go to work with her dad, she was even smiling as she saw Steve. She quickly noticed he was holding two pretty big go mugs full of coffee in the living room. He seemed all ready to go as well. The two walked outside together and to his dark blue four door Chevy Silverado pickup truck.

She got in and watched as her dad got in and put the mugs in the cup holder for them and start the car heading to the office. Elizabeth felt butterflies in her stomach and was a little excited. She hadn't worked with her dad in a long time. She knew the entire team pretty well as they were like family to her at this point.

She sat there staring out the window watching where they were going.


I hope you liked the story, leave any comment you have about it and I will get chapter two done as soon as I can

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2022 ⏰

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