Prologue - 1

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(I'm as tired as heck rn... socializing is tiring... I swear y'all being upset that this isn't getting updated is the only reason I'm still writing rn...)


I had just finished writing the first part of a new story, and boy was I tried

"Why did I even do that when I have other stories to take care of..." I mumbled to myself while getting ready for some shut eye

"Gah! Whatever, I'll get back to work on my 'Bofuri x twisted wonderland' in the morning... I need sleep..." I said as I went under the covers of my bed (actual book btw, I'm just not motivated to write it rn)

Right as I started to finally get some shut eye, a portal came up from under me and took me before I could say anything...

"W-what the..." I was in a state of shock, I started to feel my body change

After the feeling was done, I silver key necklace and a moon pendant floated over

"H-huh...?" I was very confused at my situation, and it didn't help when they went on to my neck

"H-HUH!?" I wanted to go back to my dad... that's all I wanted at this point... I didn't feel safe at all

I got a glimpse of my hair... it was blue... and I seemed to be taller

"What's going on..." was all I could say before I fell through...

When I woke up, I was still falling... there was a girl falling with me, she had h/c hair, and e/c eyes

When we finally stopped falling, there was a mirror and what seemed to be 2 girls

The first one looked as bright as the sun smiling at us, while the other looked about as dark as night... and that mirror... where have I seen that mirror...

Ah... my dear beloved

'Where is this so familiar...' I thought as the voice continued

A lovely and noble flower of evil

I was somehow able to keep focus on the voice even though my mind was trying to figure out where I've heard this

Truly, you are the most beautiful of all

My memory still wasn't working when the one of the girls spoke, specifically the one that looked darker

You both have been chosen for this task

Just as she said that the pendant that was on my neck started to glow, and it seemed like I wasn't the only one with a glowing pendant

You both are the only ones worthy, we're trusting these to you and only you

The brighter girl said as she brought the pendants near them

We'll be right there if you need us

She said as they both disappeared into the pendants

I looked at it in pure confusion for this I didn't recall at all... nothing about this was familiar

Mirror mirror on the wall...

I was snapped out of my thoughts as the feeling of deja vu returned

Who is the...

Everything was confusing I was just trying to figure out why all this was familiar

Those who are guided by the dark mirror

Wait! Dark mirror...

As long as your heart desires,

W-was this what I think it was...?

Take the hand that appears in the mirror

T-this can't be what I think it is...

For me. For them. For you.

N-no... there's no way...

We are all running out of time

At this point I had tuned it all out... I was in denial... I didn't believe that what I thought was true

No matter what, never let go of my hand

Right at that moment a portal came from under us as we started to fall through it

But then I saw the two girls

Suki, Y/n...

My eyes widened at the name of my oc, but then everything came through as I realized that I had become my oc...

Your pain will heal, the scars on your hearts, the numbness, the pain you have yet do nothing about...

I looked over to the h/c haired girl, she looked at me 'so we both feel that' I thought

It will all heal...

Was the last thing they said before they once again as we continued to fall

'Did something get put on me...? Nah probably nothing'


We were just about to have the last student get sorted when a portal opened above us

"What the-?!" "What is that?!" "What's that doing here?!" Was all that you could hear through the crowd

Then, two girls fell out of it and hit the floor which I don't imagine felt good

"Who are you?!" I yelled at them the girl with blue hair looked at me with a shocked face

She looked around in a panicked state, which just confused me more for wasn't she the one that came out of the porta

"H-how in the world..." "w-what the..." the other girl with h/c said also in a state of shock

I just looked at them with a confused face

"How are we at Night Raven College...?"

(Welp that took forever- anyway I don't have much to say soooo bye! See you in the next chapter!)

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