Prologue - 3

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(Doing this cuz I have motivation for the moment and not going to waste it, still need to update my other book tho... ha... I'll work on that tomorrow- let's get this done first)

//Y/N POV\\

"We can cause destruction..." I heard Suki say in fear of her own abilities

Honestly I couldn't blame her... I also felt scared...

Grim snuggled into her as she held him, 'is he trying to comfort her?' A question I asked myself not really looking for an answer, but it helped her calm down so I'm not complaining

"...wait... does that mean we can pick what dorm we want to be in...?" I said out of the realization of what just happened

Everyone froze at that moment, if we could fit in any dorm... then we could choose right?

"should you have have said that!?" Suki whisper screamed at me, but she was right maybe I shouldn't have said that...

I looked to the dark mirror for an answer to this question, in which it nodded its head

"I'm not sure what dorm to be in..." I said as Suki nodded

(Ok I just want to say that this part is inspired, I just tried to put my own way of doing it and the inspiration was from another twisted wonderland fanfiction called "Starlight")

"Well then, why not choose Octavinelle? Our dorm has many outstanding individuals. Take me as an example"

He was about to take my hand as well as Suki's when Leona stopped him and turned us around

"You both deserve to be treated as queens, Savanaclaw will be sure to give you that treatment as well as helping you train you magic. We need someone like you two as well" he said as he gave the others a mocking smirk while me and Suki were just trying to process the situation

"No" Vil said as he came over "No?" Suki asked while Leona stopped his smirk and was now glaring at Vil

"You place is like a zoo, they aren't zookeepers to keep your animals in line" 'well dang Vil...' I thought

"What did you just-" Leona was probably ready to throw hands at this point but Vil simply ignored him and smiled at us

I just nervously smiled back, I was completely lost at the situation I was in

"Lady's like you both with such Beaty, grace and power, should be in Pomefiore. We, who have unreeling efforts to stay beautiful but not get behind in power either, is a place where you both belong. I promise as the dorm leader of said dorm, we will take good care of both of yours exquisite radiance" we heard a chuckle come from behind him after, it was from Riddle

He walked up to us, I had absolutely no idea what exactly was happening "I'm sorry Vil-sempai, but I believe they are suited in Heartslabyul more, for they need to learn the rules they do not know" 'is he mad at me for coming after him or...' I had given up on trying to figure out what was going on anymore at that point

"Ahhh!" Was the sound I heard right after that "Jamil! Why did you push me?" He looked over to Jamil who gave him a glare that I translated to 'go talk to them' he just scratched the back of his neck while he looked over to me "Ah... you see... I would invite you to our dorm but I don't want you to endure the hot temperature" I heard Jamil slap his forehead

"But feel free to visit! Also Suki went to the magicless boy five minutes ago" we all looked over to Yuu and finding him trying to help what most likely Suki's broken brain for I highly doubt either of us really knew what was happening

I sighed before saying something "just let her be... she doesn't like being the center of attention" I knew this by the actions she took when we did get attention, so it wasn't that hard to figure out

"Well We'll try to visit when we can" I answered not really knowing what else to say

"Ignihyde isn't the place for you..." Idia spoke from his tablet "uhmmm and why would that be...?" I asked though I already knew the answer to the question, but I had to keep an act up until further notice... I didn't want people to know we're were from a world where they were just game characters

"It's just rather gloomy and..." he went on a rambling about why but I'd didn't really listen until...

"All you ever do is put on makeup early in the morning and go to class looking like someone punched you in the face early in the morning!"

"Says the one who's dorm looks like a bunch of untamed brainless animals. All your cubs are running around the school beating people because they want to!"

"And you think yours is better!? Go wash your aquarium first, and put a leash of the guy who likes to terrorize people by squeezing them to death!"

"Am I the one who has a whole maze in their dorm!? And before you go saying something about my dorm members go and speak for yourself first, who's the one yelling 'off with your head' to a random student because they ate a steak burger or had tea without two sugars? Oh right, it's you Riddle"

"What is happening..." was all I could mumble out

"STOP IT" was what (finally) had everyone stop... but it may have been the powerful aura that caused everyone to stop

I looked over to Suki to see her mad, she clearly didn't like the fighting and may have been scared an all out brawl was going to happen

"Just stop..." I quickly ran over to her and helped her calm down, Yuu ran over concern written all over his face

"Are you ok Suki...?" He asked "y-yeah..." I had to do something to stop this... well this is an all boys school, maybe I could say since we're girls it might be better for us to get a separate dorm to ourselves

"Hey! Since we're girls... I think it might be better for us to get somewhere to ourselves..." I said as I looked over at Crowley

"Indeed, that may be the best course of action" the dorm leaders didn't look to happy but seemed to understand

"Huh... now that I think about it I do not see Disomnia's dorm leader Mr. Draconia at all..."

"No different then usual isn't it?" Leona said

'Annnnnnd we're at this scene...' I thought

"What!? did no one tell him about the ceremony?" Kalim asked while Vil rolled his eyes

"if you're going to complain then should have done it yourself" I was just standing on the sidelines, I had to figure out exactly what was happening and come up with a plan

"Hmmm but I don't really know anything about that guy"

"By Draconia... do the mean that Malleus Draconia?" "Is he seriously attending this school?" "Scary..."

"So I was correct" Lila showed up right on que, but I didn't really notice for I was looking through the notepads that had information on us

"I thought Malleus might come but he really didn't" "it seems the invitation 'never arrived' again"

"My deepest apologies, I promise we didn't mean to exclude you" Azul said though I highly doubt he actually meant it

"His aura makes it hard to approach him" Riddle added

"Shouldn't he feel offended if he keeps being forgotten..." Suki mumbled to me, I nodded

But it seems Lila heard us for his eyes widened, before he gave us a smile

"It's fine. Members of Disomnia dormitory can come with me. ...I hope this doesn't upset him..."

He passed by us and gave us a smile, I smiled back

"Well this concludes the entrance ceremony! Please go to your respected dorms!" Crowley said before running off to go talk with Yuu

Each of the dorm leaders passed us, Leona looked at us and gave us I look I didn't understand, Azul did his smile that I knew I shouldn't trust, Idia's tablet just passed us, Kalim hugged Suki and said thank you for saving him before going, Riddle gave me a look saying 'follow the rules', and then I felt someone pat my head and I looked up to find that it was Vil who patted my head as well as Suki's before walking off

Ok I'm sorry for ending it off just like that but I'm tired... hope you enjoyed 👋 byeeeeee

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