Italy - LEVEL !

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Third chapter wooo!


TW: Major character death, phycological torment, hallucinations, level ! Of the backrooms, mental breakdowns, REALLY depressing shit, vomiting, and graphic descriptions of blood, and gore/violence. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK PLEASE! 

     Italy placed his hand on the handle to Germany's door, Ludwig had been missing for 2 days now and Italy was extremely worried about him. He needed some reminder of Germany so he would sleep well that night. His curl droopily bounced as he made his way into Germany's room. Feli flicked the light switch and gazed into the illuminated space with teary eyes, It was exactly how Germany had left it.

     Italy turned the bedside lamp on and the lights back off. Feli crawled slowly into Germany's bed, being careful not to mess it up to much. He pulled the covers over his head and let the tears fall, the stress of having two of his best friends go missing was way to much for Italy to handle. He envied his past self and remembered Germany's warm chest, only for that pleasant warmth to be replaced by cold, empty bedsheets.

After a long time of tears, Italy finally drifted off, crying himself to sleep.

~ Time skip brought 2u by I'mgonnafrukingcry:') ~

" Hello, fratello...? "

     Romano peeked his head through a crack in the door trying to see if Italy was still awake.

" I'm sorry for yelling at-a you about Germany going missing... "

     When there was no answer romano looked deeper into the room, he saw nobody in the bed.

~ Meanwhile with Italy ~

     Feli slowly opened his red, irritated eyes. He sat up, but he didn't see the room he fell asleep in. He saw yellow walls with an oddly damp carpet, along with humming lights at a constant frequency.

" Am I-a dreaming? "

     Obviously, no answer came, but italy tried to pinch himself like he heard in movies. Suddenly he got scared because he didn't wake up. So he stood up and moved around.

" Ive-a never had a dream like this before... "

     Italy took a step forward, then another and so on. He wandered around for a long time before he stepped on something, he picked it up to see what it was.

It was Germany's cross necklace.

     It had little dried droplets of blood on the string and the cross itself. And when Italy saw the blood, he started bawling his eyes out for a second time. He dropped to his knees with another squelch, unable to take in this situation. Germany and England were probably dead here. What had killed them? Why had it? He had to many unanswered questions to bear with his own safety now at risk as well.

     Feli sat there and sobbed for a really long time, but eventually he had to keep going, although he wished he hadn't. Because once he was standing he saw large rips in the wet carpet, he slowly followed them. They seemed to get longer and farther apart as if the the thing that made them was getting faster. Until Italy turned the wrong corner and saw the horrible scene that had taken place just 48 hours before.

     Blood splattered on everything, with scraps of dark green uniform fabric scattered about. There was a seemingly dead, dog-like creature laying a few metres away. Italy almost fainted at the sight of all the dried blood. But he threw up onto the carpet instead, collapsing onto the ground once more in a fetal position clutching his stomach from the utter despair and ruin he now had to face.

Yes, yes I did just make a hetalia backrooms crossover :)Where stories live. Discover now