America - Betrayal. ( Part 1 )

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TW: Blank for now, drop a comment if u want me to add one.


Ugh... Why did I have to procrastinate so long...

     Was all the American had on his mind. He had waited to go to the store until way to late at night, He slipped on his jacket and grabbed his keys.

      It was a cool, autumn night in America. The streetlights having their usual Humm on an otherwise silent night like this. Wilted, yellow grass at the corners of the sidewalk looking dead as ever, to america, this was what he was used to.

     He kicked past a kit-kat wrapper on the pale sidewalk and walked past a particular house. He heard a scream followed by a loud buzzer go off from inside a house. He dropped whatever he was thinking about and bolted to the house as fast as he could.

     America went up to the front door and tried to get in frantically, only to find it locked. He panicked, seconds ticking by like minutes. Within the millisecond he was over the railing and Infront of a large metal door. Not thinking of how out of place it was, and got inside, thankfully...?

" HEY- "

     The metal door flew open, revealing yellow walls more vibrant then the outsides. America continued to run t'words where he thought the noise was originally coming from.

But quickly heard the screams and alarm fade to silence.

     Well, almost silence, there was an annoying yet vaguely familiar buzz of office lights, almost identical to the street lamps.

     America stopped running for a moment to listen. When he heard nothing, he blinked a few times, and childishly pinched his arm to check if he was dreaming. He looked behind him at the door but found that it was gone and replaced with more yellow rooms.

" Hello!? "

     America immediately started to freak out, he ran through about ten hallways before he confirmed his fear.

"Bro... This is a lot bigger than that house... "

     He was stuck. In a random place that he didn't recognize. He felt so lost and closed in, he called for someone, anyone, to no avail. He wiped tears of many emotions away from his cheeks, and leaned against a wall. Alfred rested his head in his hands, he wished someone, anyone would be there for him right now.

     But then he realized that there could be a way out, he probably just had to look far enough right? Right? He sniffled and went through more of the hallways, America's legs felt like classic Jell-O.

     America came to a stop after around twenty minutes but out of the corner of his eye he saw something, it looked unusually pale. America (being the person he is) looked around the specific corner he saw it from. But there was nothing, so he slowly walked away from the area. He was feeling extremely paranoid but tried to pay no mind to it.

~time skip of about 2 days brought 2u by areyoustillcryingoveritaly?cuziam. ~

*Sob* ......*sob*...

     America couldn't help but think about his brothers, and how they were probably looking for him. It made him sick to his stomach thinking about Mattie crying himself to sleep at night, wondering if they were ever going to find america. England... He stopped himself. He couldn't bear think about that...... It hurt to much.

...But all of this hurt to much.


(Sorry this took so long btw, I was in grippy sock jail)

Also, I'll Finnish this when I have a bit more motivation, but I don't want to keep y'all waiting any longer so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2022 ⏰

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