chapter 1

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3rd pov

There they sat during an order meeting waiting on Professor Snape with information about the dark lord. When Snape came, he went straight to Harry giving him a letter. So when Snape started walking to his seat harry open up the letter while Hermione, Ron, and the Weasly twin gathered around him to read the letter. As harry open up the letter a picture fell out. Hermione went to pick it up and when she did she awwww at it.

As soon as harry finished reading the letter he snatched the picture while Ron and the Weasly twin crowded around harry again to look at the picture over harry shoulder and what they saw will forever be in there mind. It was a picture of a man and two children. One was a girl while the other a boy and that said man was the reason they were having this meeting.... Tom Marvolo Riddle or better known as lord Voldemort and the children were his. Now you may be thinking why send harry potter your enemy a picture of you and your children, well the answer is simple really...... lord Voldemort is his husband and those are his children too and the only people to know this are Ron, Snape, Hermione, and the Weasly twin and the Dark side.

Harry pov

"Do you mind sharing with us what the letter says and what that picture is my boy"said headmaster dumb-as-a-door. "No sir it's nothing to worry about." "Alright I believe you my boy" said Dumbledore."So what news do you bring severus my boy"ask Dumbledore. "nothing sir I have nothing, the dark lord hasn't call me for anything except today and ask me to give that letter to potter" scowled snape.

"Harry my boy please do let me see the letter, it may contain some valuable information."ask Dumbledore. "Yes sir" I gave it to him knowing he can't read it because it's written in parselscript. _______________________________________________________________________________

Hey guys hope you love the new book sorry that it's so short. I'll hopefully have a longer one out tomorrow. Ok thank you and byeeeee.

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