chapter 2

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fred-Hello    george-hello     together-hello

"harry my boy there is nothing here to read it's all scribble." The gang and I started giggling and laughing Dumbledore raised an eyebrow at us. Then he looked at the picture in my hand. "May I see the picture my boy." said Dumbledore and that's where me and the gang froze along with Snape and i gripped the picture tighter than necessary and everyone in the room saw this.

"now sir i'm sure you don't need the picture."said Snape  and everyone was shocked by this except the gang and I.  "well Snape the picture could hold valuable information."said Dumbledore "I can assure sir that this picture holds no valuable information" "well I can be the judge of that." said Dumbledore reached for the picture and and I stood my ground, next thing the teacher knows Fred and George shot a binding spell at Dumbledore with Hermoine and the ron right beside them with harry in the middle. 

" I'd advise you to sit back down headmaster Dumbledore."  said the twins "You see here headmaster this picture belongs to me and only me and I won't let anyone. from. me ." Dumbledore looked shocked by this but never the less he sat down."Fred, George you can release the binding spell and you can lower your wands......that goes for you to Snape. Throughout this whole thing snape had also raised is wand at Dumbledore. Snape what is wrong with you raising your wand at the headmaster and you Ron, Fred and George I raised you better than this." said molly  "sorry mom but you thought us to never betray our friends and family and last i checked Dumbledore isn't part of this family unless there is something you have to tell us. 

________________________________________________________________________________ and i'm going to leave it off right there sorry that it is short once again. welp im gonna see you guys later.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2022 ⏰

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