Trouble Maker.

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Ehhhh, this should have been uploaded like 5 days ago, but I went to stay with my boyfriend for a week and got distracted.

Vince watches as the crowd gathers around a fight. Everyone knows who started it. Everyone knows he's not going to win. Everyone just wants to see him get beat up. When will he stop? No one knows. He just starts fights with anyone bigger than him.

Tyler isn't exactly big himself, but he does seem a little fit and is pale. "He's like a dirty rat..." Vince mumbles to himself. He somehow finds himself in the same area Tyler starts his fights almost every time. Whether it's at school or out. They've never spoken to each other, they don't cross each other in crowds.

Vince has only seen Tyler hang around two other boys. No one else really likes him. While Tyler causes trouble everywhere he goes, Vince is pretty average. He just goes to school, hangs out with his group of friends, goes to parties now and then, and has pretty average grades. He doesn't exactly stand out, but he isn't a loser either.

He can't help but look down on Tyler, a boy who just wants attention by causing fights. What's more disappointing is that he can't even win a single one.

Everyone has become pretty bored of him now, and Vince assumes that Tyler sees it too, since he's been picking more fights lately than usual. It's like he's desperate to get hit.

'Maybe he's a pervert?' Vince thinks to himself as he walks onto the school premises. He doesn't really know why Tyler hasn't been expelled yet, but he knows that a lot of people would be happy if he was.

Vince gets himself to class and immediately starts a conversation with his friends. They talk about the fight that's going on and, of course, Tyler himself. All five agree that he's childish and needs to be disciplined, maybe even be forced to see a therapist.

Halfway through the lesson, vince raises his hand to be excused and gets his hall pass. While he does need to take a piss, he mainly asks to leave because he is bored and wants to stretch his legs on the way to the men's bathroom.

Vince stops in his tracks at the sight of a boy dabbing the blood off his cheeks lightly with tissue paper, it took him a second to realize that it is Tyler. He slowly walks in and passes the boy without giving him a glance. No way in hell would he give the brat attention. He gets enough of it as it is.

Tyler stares through the mirror while vince takes his piss. He doesn't recognize him and wonders if he is new. Will he be willing to fight him?

Tyler fantasizes about this stranger pinning him down and hitting him. He's had this problem since a couple of years ago. The thought of someone hurting him turns him on.

Vince turns around after zipping up his jeans, and they make eye contact, Tyler doesn't look away, hoping to get a satisfying reaction out of Vince, but Vince breaks it and ignores him. He walks up beside him to wash his hands, and Tyler continues to stare, watching his every movement.

"Stare all you want, dude, I'm not going to give you the reaction that you want. You're pathetic, and I would never waste my time on someone like you." Vince says calmly, giving the injured boy a short glance before going back to washing his hands.

Tyler holds back a smile at this guy's "cool" act and leans in closer to him, taunting him. He watches as Vince's hands glide over each other, and he imagines them wrapping tightly around his throat. What will this man's reaction be if he knew what he was thinking? Would he be disgusted? Most likely... Or would he just ignore him? The thought of this stranger seeing him in a desperate state yet still ignoring him, as if he is nothing, turns him on more.

Vince turns the tap off, grabs a paper towel, and dries his hands while maintaining eye contact with Tyler. He wants to laugh. This boy in front of him looks so stupid. He allows his eyes to trail over Tyler, but they stop at the tent in his pants. He doesn't know what to think. He can't say he's surprised either.

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