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25.6 TRIAL

'Where am I?'

That was the first question that rose into Kamoor's head when he found himself in a dark place. There was so dark that nothing could be seen. He started moving forward in a hope to find a ray of light or to find a way out of this dark place. He sensed someone passed behind him while running. He turned back.


Behind him arms oozed from the dark and hugged him. He got flinched to notice pale arms hugging him. He tried to get freed from them but his body got stiffed as if his body stopped functioning. Woman's pale scrawny face appeared beside him. She rested her chin on his shoulder. She side-gawked at him. Her wrinkled lips gradually formed a smile.

"Murderer..... Murderer..... Murderer...." Her eerie voice kept growing louder as she kept chanting those words.

He tried every single struggle to move his body but couldn't do so as if his body got paralyzed. Somehow, he convinced his heart to take a look at the woman. He moved his bugging-out eyes to her. What he saw made his body trembled. His breath became heavy. He began huffing, sweat streamed from his forehead down to his chin.

Her whole face was drenched with blood, even her hair was dyed red with blood. She turned her head to him with a jerk that popped a sound of cracked bone. Blood spilled out of her mouth as she yelled.....


He sprung up the moment he opened his eyes. This time he found himself on his bed. His chest was pumping in and out as he was huffing in fear. The moon light falling on him from the window had glistened the drops of sweat on his forehead. He smoothed his hair.

"Just a nightmare....."

His gaze went down on the floor. He frowned to notice a stone on the floor. He turned the lamp on that was set on nightstand beside his bed. Pieces of window-glass were scattered on the floor. Spiky-hole had made on the window from getting hit from the stone. He removed the blanket from his legs and get off from the bed. He threw the blanket on the floor and went toward the window. He witnessed that men were gathered down in front of the door. They were holding lanterns. He heard a bang on the door of his bedroom.

"Kamoor, are you alright?" Kasira asked worriedly, standing on the other side of the door.

He strode toward the door and opened it. His eyes got filled with fret to see worry-lines on her forehead. He fixed his eyes on her face with daunting look in them and asked...

".....What the hell is going on down there?"


"I didn't know I was hosting a party tonight." Manzu yawned as he looked at two warriors standing before him. Men were gathered behind them. Their face had wore a scowl.

One of the warriors looked back at them and then looked ahead at Manzu with worrisome look on his face. "Things get out of hands, Sir. His Majesty summoned you."

Manzu tilted his head to look at the crowd behind them. He ruffled the back of his hair. "All these men to escort a single man to castle....can't you be any kinder? Wait let me change my clothes." He slammed the door on their faces.

Hearing this form him brought wierd expression on warrior's face. 'Didn't he notice the look on their faces. They aren't being kind.'

Manzu clad himself in knee high lace up shoes, brown trouser, white shirt and over it, he wore drifting-sleeves green cloak. Kasira walked in the room, her head was lowered as she was upset from this unexpected situation. He wistfully smiled to see the melancholy on her face.

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