Only Dreams

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Boom! Boom! Shake, Shake the room! Tick! Tick! Tick! Tick! Boom! The music was on full blast in George's earphones. He was singing at the top of his lungs, his head rocking to the beat. The young man's favourite artist happened to be Will Smith, so every time George was in his bedroom, that's all he would listen to. Will's music had a way of making George feel unbreakable like his favourite boyhood superhero. Nobody could come close to him when he was in this zone!

All his life, George dreamed of being a professional BMX rider. His mum had never wanted him to be a BMX rider because she believed he should instead be a doctor or an engineer. This career change relaxed her brain knowing that her little boy would be safe and sound.

After the BMX regional competition George came home with a massive smile on his face.

'Great job honey!' George's mum said not so enthusiastically.

'What's wrong mum?' asked George curiously.

'I'm proud of you honey, It's just that I'm worried you're going to get really badly hurt,' replied mum.

'This is my dream! I can't believe you're not supporting me!' bellowed George. Dad would have never said that!'

'I'm trying to protect you, I don't want to lose you like I lost your father!' she yelled defiantly.

George flopped down into his soft sheets, willing his body to relax so he could drift off to sleep. Finally, his eyes slowly closed and he was transported into a faraway land.

The crowd was going wild as he felt the cold wind blowing through his hair. George jumped again, this time landing a suicide no-hander into a barspin. He was on the ball! Suddenly, his legs gave up, he fell from an extraordinary height... George woke up with his heart pounding, legs twitching and tears were running down his face. 

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